APRIL 12, 2005

Agenda Item No. 23


Introduced by the Human Services Committee of the:








WHEREAS, thousands of people with disabilities and older Michigan citizens currently need or will need long term services and supports to live in the community and this number is expected to grow at a rapid pace over the next three decades; and


WHEREAS, the current long term care system in Michigan is fragmented, overly medicalized, bureaucratic, and expensive – with an institutional bias that unnecessarily forces people with disabilities and other older Michigan citizens in nursing homes and other institutions; and


WHEREAS, the Supreme Court in the Olmstead vs. LC & EW decision ruled in 1999 that people of the right to services in the most integrated setting; and


WHEREAS, the Michigan public overwhelmingly support long term ca re services and supports to be provided in their own home and communities; and


WHEREAS, the Tri-County Aging Consortium has; and


WHEREAS, the Tri-County Aging Consortium has requested that Ingham County Board of Commissioners pass a resolution in support.


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Ingham County Board of Commissioners express support for the Tri-County Aging Consortium’s position that:


The current Michigan long term services and support system has an institutional bias that must be reformed.  The long term services and support system must include the principles that home and community services supports are the first priority and that support services should be provided in the most integrated setting.   No person with a disability or older Michigan citizen should be forced into a nursing home or other institution because of the lack of home and integrated community options.  People with disabilities and older Michigan citizens must have full inclusion in the design, implementation, and review of the long term services and support system; and


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Ingham County Board of Commissioners express support of the Tri-County Aging Consortium’s recommendations for:


Single point of entry: Each community and region shall have an Aging and Disability Resource Center (ADRC) where people may get information about a variety of long term care options from which they make a choice that fits their individual situation.



ADOPTED - APRIL 12, 2005

Agenda Item No. 23




Money follows the person: A policy of financing public long term care supports for those who are financially eligible where, rather than money assigned to a “bed” in a nursing home or a “slot” in the community as it currently exists, it is assigned by individual need.


A Stable and Respected Workforce: Personal Assistants help assure quality care and quality lives for the people they serve when they are secure in their employment.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Ingham County Board of Commissioners supports reform of the long term services and support system in Michigan that does not result in reducing or eliminating funding to Michigan or the removal of current Medicaid protections



HUMAN SERVICES:  To be approved 4/11/05