ADOPTED - APRIL 12, 2005
Agenda Item No. 21
Introduced by the Finance Committee of the:
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners adopted the 2005 Budget on October 26, 2004 and has authorized certain amendments since that time, and it is now necessary to make some adjustments as a result of updated revenue and expenditure projections, fund transfers, reappropriations, accounting and contractual changes, errors and omissions, and additional appropriation needs; and
WHEREAS, the Liaison Committees and the Finance Committee have reviewed the proposed budget adjustments prepared by the Controller’s staff and have made adjustments where necessary; and
WHEREAS, Public Act 621 of 1978 requires that local units of government maintain a balanced budget and periodically adjust the budget to reflect revised revenue and expenditure levels.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Ingham County Board of Commissioners hereby directs the Controller to make the necessary transfers to adjust revenues and expenditures in the following funds, according to the attached schedules:
101 General Fund $69,568,067 $129,901 $69,697,968
208 Parks 1,895,684 (28,198) 1,867,486
215 Friend of the Court 4,649,955 68,871 4,718,826
245 Public Improvements 518,750 309,277 828,027
264 Juvenile Justice Millage 3,336,161 33,815 3,369,976
292 Family Division Child Care 11,069,759 63,682 11,133,441
631 Building Authority Operating 3,053,492 13,000 3,066,492
636 MIS 2,154,459 22,826 2,177,285
664 Mach. & Equip. Revolving 413,074 49,830 462,904
671 Utilities 283,732 13,688 297,420
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Ingham Board of Commissioners accepts the grant of $2,075 from the Michigan Municipal Risk Management Authority in order to offset the costs of Community Mental Health’s Jail Diversion Program as designated in the grant agreement.
FINANCE: Yeas: Dedden, Swope, Hertel, Schor, Thomas, Dougan
Nays: None Absent: None Approved 4/6/05
2005 Budget - 3/01/05 |
Proposed Changes |
2005 Proposed Budget |
Tax Revenues |
County Property Tax |
40,882,621 |
40,882,621 |
Property Tax Adjustments |
(125,000) |
(125,000) |
Delinquent Real Property Tax |
10,000 |
10,000 |
Unpaid Personally Property Tax |
35,000 |
35,000 |
475,000 |
475,000 |
Trailer Fee Tax |
22,000 |
22,000 |
Intergovernmental Transfers |
Inventory Reimb. Payment |
788,670 |
788,670 |
State Revenue Sharing |
4,361,773 |
4,361,773 |
Convention/Tourism Tax - Liquor |
1,337,581 |
1,337,581 |
Health and Safety Fund |
134,789 |
134,789 |
Use of Fund Balance |
184,133 |
114,826 |
298,959 |
Department Generated Revenue |
Animal Control |
325,700 |
325,700 |
Circuit Court - Family Division |
388,931 |
388,931 |
Circuit Court - Friend of the Court |
200,302 |
200,302 |
Circuit Crt - General Trial |
1,579,246 |
1,579,246 |
Community Mental Health |
0 |
2,075 |
2,075 |
Cooperative Extension |
32,750 |
32,750 |
County Clerk |
396,400 |
396,400 |
District Court |
2,475,856 |
2,475,856 |
Drain Commissioner/Drain Tax |
385,000 |
385,000 |
Economic Development |
64,942 |
64,942 |
Elections |
24,670 |
24,670 |
Emergency Operations |
47,221 |
47,221 |
Equalization /Tax Mapping |
30,800 |
30,800 |
Probate Court |
277,178 |
277,178 |
Prosecuting Attorney |
756,723 |
756,723 |
Purchasing |
8,706 |
8,706 |
Register of Deeds |
2,337,900 |
2,337,900 |
Remonumentation Grant |
183,472 |
183,472 |
Sheriff |
5,620,264 |
13,000 |
5,633,264 |
Treasurer |
6,106,575 |
6,106,575 |
Tri-County Regional Planning |
75,705 |
75,705 |
Veteran Affairs |
143,159 |
143,159 |
Total General Fund Revenues |
69,568,067 |
129,901 |
69,697,968 |
2005 Budget - 3/01/05 |
Proposed Changes |
2005 Proposed Budget |
Board of Commissioners |
493,289 |
221 |
493,510 |
Circuit Court - General Trial |
6,153,771 |
1,753 |
6,155,524 |
District Court |
1,955,038 |
1,955,038 |
Circuit Court - Friend of the Court |
536,284 |
536,284 |
Jury Board |
1,208 |
1,208 |
Probate Court |
1,307,206 |
1,116 |
1,308,322 |
Circuit Court - Family Division |
6,383,055 |
(14,453) |
6,368,602 |
Jury Selection |
65,724 |
65,724 |
Elections |
161,731 |
161,731 |
Financial Services |
613,892 |
1,008 |
614,900 |
County Attorney |
394,147 |
394,147 |
County Clerk |
726,989 |
313 |
727,302 |
Controller |
807,937 |
607 |
808,544 |
Equalization/Tax Services |
625,297 |
22,425 |
647,722 |
Human Resources |
700,636 |
700,636 |
Prosecuting Attorney |
5,616,484 |
1,597 |
5,618,081 |
Purchasing |
239,365 |
642 |
240,007 |
Facilities |
1,510,153 |
877 |
1,511,030 |
Register of Deeds |
711,648 |
449 |
712,097 |
Remonumentation Grant |
183,472 |
183,472 |
Treasurer |
647,706 |
338 |
648,044 |
Drain Commissioner |
903,990 |
903,990 |
Economic Development |
150,583 |
253 |
150,836 |
Community Agencies |
205,000 |
205,000 |
Equal Opportunity Committee |
500 |
362 |
862 |
Women’s Commission |
500 |
500 |
Environmental Affairs Comm |
500 |
500 |
AC Shelter Advisory Board |
500 |
500 |
FOC Advisory Committee |
2,000 |
2,000 |
Historical Commission |
500 |
500 |
Tri-County Regional Planning |
146,175 |
146,175 |
Jail Maintenance |
203,404 |
203,404 |
Sheriff |
19,039,384 |
13,000 |
19,052,384 |
Community Corrections |
92,685 |
92,685 |
Animal Control |
1,182,043 |
1,182,043 |
Emergency Operations |
165,023 |
165,023 |
Board of Public Works |
500 |
500 |
Drain Tax at Large |
117,000 |
117,000 |
Health Department |
7,760,728 |
7,760,728 |
Medical Examiner |
267,471 |
267,471 |
Substance Abuse |
671,556 |
671,556 |
Community Mental Health |
1,887,931 |
1,887,931 |
Family Independence Agency |
992,045 |
992,045 |
Tri-County Aging |
68,896 |
68,896 |
Veterans Affairs |
337,532 |
337,532 |
Cooperative Extension |
699,878 |
910 |
700,788 |
Parks and Recreation |
1,816,950 |
1,816,950 |
Contingency Reserves |
528,708 |
6,186 |
534,894 |
Capital Area Rail Council |
2,350 |
2,350 |
Capital Improvements |
2,488,703 |
92,297 |
2,581,000 |
Total General Fund Expenditures |
69,568,067 |
129,901 |
69,697,968 |
General Fund Revenues
Sheriff Increase insurance recovery revenue $13,000, to be used toward the purchase of a new vehicle.
Community Mental Health Increase grant revenue $2,075 for Jail Diversion Program grant received from Michigan Municipal Risk Management Authority.
Use of Fund Balance Increase budgeted use of fund balance $114,826 for various reappropriations.
General Fund Expenditures
Circuit Court - Family Div. Increase personnel budget due to correction in personnel
cost projections ($11,003). Decrease personnel budget due to change in charging distribution from general fund to child care fund ($55,717). Increase general fund transfer to child care fund $26,915. Net decrease to general fund cost is $17,799.
Probate Court Transfer $2,500 from postage to permanent salaries to offset cost of hiring new employee at step 5 of pay scale, as authorized by the County Services Committee at its January 18, 2005 meeting.
Equalization Reappropriate $17,948 in unspent funds for tax mapping included in 2004 budget. Reappropriate $4,219 in unspent funds for personal property audits approved by Resolution 04-008.
Equal Opportunity Comm. Reappropriate $362 in unspent funds in order to offset planned 2005 expenditures.
Sheriff Increase vehicle budget $13,000. The cost is offset by insurance recovery revenue.
Contingency Increase contingency $6,186 to reflect net change from Family Division personnel adjustment, MMRMA grant and increased utilities chargebacks.
Capital Improvements Increase transfer out to public improvements fund $92,297
for reappropriation of previous years’ capital projects.
Utilities Chargebacks Increase utilities chargeback budgets for various departments $13,688 due to higher than anticipated 2004 costs in the Utilities Fund.
Non-General Fund Adjustments
Parks Transfer funds from Parks seasonal wages to Friend of the
(F208) Court temporary wages in order to receive cooperative reimbursement funding for administration of the Jail Alternative Sentencing program, initially authorized by Resolution 04-289. ($22,957)
Friend of the Court Increase temporary wages to administer the Jail Alternative
(F215) Sentencing program, initially authorized by Resolution 04-289 ($68,871). $22,957 in funding will come from a transfer from the Parks seasonal wages line item, and the remaining $45,914 will come from cooperative reimbursement grant payments.
Public Improvements Reappropriate funds for the following capital improvement
(F245) projects: $15,000 for Jail heater covers per the 1999 CIP budget, $5,000 for stainless steel doors at the Jail and $30,000 to replace heating units at the Jail per the 2002 CIP budget, $15,000 for lock replacement at the Jail, $1,597 for stock lock parts at the Jail, $8,000 for Jail and District Court Parking Lot Lights, and $5,198 to repair garage walls at Animal Control per the 2003 CIP budget, $80,000 to seal shower floors at Jail, $5,000 for ceiling tile replacement at the Jail, $8,000 for glass inventory at the Jail, $30,000 for a storage building at the Jail, $8,000 for parking lot lights at the Jail, $1,200 to install cipher locks at Animal Control, $66,202 for county wide parking lot repair, $25,000 for Jail parking lot repair, $2,300 for carpet at the Health Department, and $3,780 for Parks playground accessible surfacing per the 2004 CIP budget.
Juvenile Justice Millage Carry over remaining funds authorized for Risk
(F264) Assessment Tool per Resolution 03-326. ($28,889) Increase transfer to child care fund due to correction in personnel cost projections. ($4,926)
Family Division Child Care Increase personnel budget due to correction in personnel
(F292) cost projections ($9,852) and change in charging
distribution from general fund to child care fund ($53,830).
Funding allocated as follows: $4,926 from juvenile justice
millage, $26,915 from the general fund, and $31,841 from
the state child care fund.
Bldg Authority Operating Increase capital budget in order to replace loading dock at
(F631) Human Services Building. ($13,000)
MIS Reappropriate funds for air conditioning replacement per
(F636) 2004 CIP budget. ($22,826)
Mach./Equip. Revolving Increase CIP upgrade funds to purchase: one printer for
(F664) Cooperative
Extension ($1,056), one PC and monitor for Financial Services ($984), one
laptop for the Board of Commissioners Office ($1,420), and one PC for
Equalization ($870). Reappropriate funds for the following capital improvement
projects: $17,500 for furniture for the Drain Office per the 2003 CIP budget, $27,500
for optical scan voting system, $7,500 for 3 magliner carts for Facilities,
$7,500 for furniture for the Drain Office, $8,000 for digital records storage
system for the Sheriff, and $5,000 for information technology improvements for
Emergency Operations per the 2004 CIP budget.
Utilities Increase utilities chargeback budgets due to higher than
(F671) anticipated 2004 costs. ($13,688)