SUBSTITUTE                                                                                               ADOPTED - JANUARY 22, 2008

Agenda Item No. 11

Introduced by the County Services Committee of the:






WHEREAS, Ingham County desires to provide for the effective long-term protection and preservation of farmland in Ingham County from the pressure of increasing residential and commercial development; and


WHEREAS, the Ingham County Board of Commissioners adopted the Ingham County Farmland Purchase of Development Rights Ordinance in July 2004; and

WHEREAS, the Ingham County Farmland Purchase of Development Rights Ordinance authorized the establishment of the Ingham County Agricultural Preservation Board to oversee the Farmland Preservation Program; and


WHEREAS, Ingham County’s Farmland Preservation Program has now qualified for the State Farmland Preservation Program; and


WHEREAS, in the course of implementing the Ingham County Purchase of Development Rights Ordinance, the Ingham County Agricultural Preservation Board has established Selection Criteria for ranking landowner applications to the Ingham County Farmland Preservation Program; and


WHEREAS, the Ingham County Purchase of Development Rights Ordinance requires that the Selection Criteria be approved by the Ingham County Board of Commissioners before each application cycle.


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Ingham County Board of Commissioners approves the attached Selection Criteria developed by the Ingham County Agricultural Preservation Board as set forth in the Purchase of Development Rights Ordinance passed July 27, 2004.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Ingham County Board of Commissioners authorizes the Ingham County Agricultural Preservation Board to proceed with the 2008 Purchase of Development Rights (PDR) application cycle.


COUNTY SERVICES:  Yeas:  Nolan, De Leon, Copedge, Soule, Severino

         Nays:  None          Absent:  Grebner        Approved 1/15/08




Selection Criteria
Scoring System (Selection Criteria and Points)


Criteria is divided into four main sections

Agricultural Characteristics                    (72 points)

Development Pressure              (28 points)

Additional Ag Protection Efforts            (35 points)

Other Criteria                                       (30 points)



1.      Agricultural Productivity                                                                                      Maximum Points:  20

Soil Classification Groupings according to USDA-NRCS based on yields (in bushels).

Group 1 – Group 2  (potential 130+ bu corn yields and 50+ bu soybean yields)             20 points

Group 3 – Group 4  (potential 110-129 bu corn yields and 40-49 bu soybean yields)    15 points

Group 5 – Group 6  (potential 90-109 bu corn yields and 30-39 bu soybean yields)                  10 points

Group 7 – Group 8  (potential 70–89 bu corn yields and 20-29 bu soybean yields)                    5  points

Group 9 – Group 10  (potential 50-69 bu corn yields and 10 to 19 bu soybean yields)     0 points


Example:         70% of parcel has Group 2 soils x 20 pts = 14 pts

                        30% of parcel has Group 3 soils x 15 pts = 4.5 pts

                        Total points = 18.5 pts


2.      Size of Parcel(s)                                                                                                   Maximum Points:  25

Points for size of parcel are calculated using a multiplier factor of 0.125, between 40 and 200 acres (maximum is 25 points).  Parcels above 200 acres receive 25 points.  Parcels that are 0-39.99 acres receive 0 points.

Example:         Parcel size is 150 acres; 150 x 0.125 = 18.75

Example:         Parcel size is 85 acres; 85 x  0.125  = 10.63

Example:         Parcel size is 350 acres; 350  x 0.125 = 43.75 (25 points maximum)

Example:         Parcel size is 32 acres; 3 2x 0.125 = 4.00 (0 points for parcels under 39.99 acres)


3.      Additional Agricultural Income                                                                Maximum Points: 5

Points will be awarded to operations that demonstrate a commitment to “value-added” agriculture through animal related production and/or designated as specialty crop sales over $10,000.00 annually.


Example:  Parcel is integral to farm operation that produces a specialty crop, which grosses over $15,000 annually

Total Points = 5.


4.      Enrollment in the Farmland and Open Space Preservation Act (PA 116)        Maximum Points:10

If only a percentage of the parcel is enrolled, than the percentage is multiplied by the maximum number of points (10) to result in a score.

Enrolled in PA 116                                                                                                                   10 points

Not enrolled in PA 116                                                                                                   0 points


Example: Two adjacent 50 acre parcels are submitted as part of the same application by the same landowner.  Only one 50 acre parcel is currently enrolled (50%).  Total points = 5  points



5.      Proximity to Existing Livestock Farms                                                              Maximum Points:  5

A livestock operation for this purpose means a farm with more than 50 animal units (EPA Definition; 1000ibs=1 unit)

Parcel is contiguous to an existing livestock operation                                                    5 points

Parcel is located between 0.5 miles and 1 mile of an existing livestock operation             3 points

Parcel is located further than 1 mile from an existing livestock operation                         0 points

*Contiguous for this section means no other parcels are located in between.  Roads separating parcels are considered contiguous.



6.      Amount of Land in the Surrounding Area in Agriculture Use and/or  Natural Land

                                                                                                                                                Maximum: 7                       

Points for this section are calculated using a mile radius from the centroid (computer generated) of the property

75% or more of the surrounding area is in agriculture use or natural lands                                               7 points

50% or more but less than 75% of the surrounding area is in agriculture use or natural lands       5 points

25% or more but less than 50% of the surrounding area is in agriculture use or natural lands       2 points

Less than 25% of the surrounding area is in agriculture use or natural lands                                 0 points






7.       Proximity to Existing Public Sanitary Sewer and/or Water                               Maximum Points: 10

Linear distance to existing, usable public sanitary sewer or water, or both, service will result in the following scoring options:

Less than one-half (½ ) mile from sewer or water                                                                        0 points

One-half (½) mile or more but less than 1 mile                                                                 5 points

One (1) mile or more but less than 2 miles                                                                                   8 points

Two (2) miles or more but less than 5 miles                                                                               10 points

More than 5 miles                                                                                                                       6 points


Example:         Parcel is located 3 miles from existing sewer lines.  Total points = 10 pts.


8.      Development Activity in Township                                                                      Maximum Points: 3

Townships will be divided into four groups of four, ranking highest to lowest using a three year average for new building permits.

Parcel located in a group of townships with the highest number of new building permits     3 points

Parcel located in a group of townships with the second highest number of new permits     2 points

Parcel located in a group of townships with the third highest number of new permits         1 points

Parcel located in a group of townships with the lowest number of new well permits           0 points

Parcel located in a city or village                                                                                                  0 points


Example:          Parcel is located within a township that falls into a group of townships which have the second largest tier of new building permits.  Total points = 2 pts


9.      Road Frontage (paved or gravel)                                                                        Maximum Points: 15

Emphasis is placed on parcels with greater linear distance of road frontage, placing the farmland under a greater threat of fragmented development.  Frontage can be gravel, paved or both, and must be adjacent to the subject parcel. Points are calculated using a multiplier factor of .0284 with a maximum of 15 points or 5280 feet (1 mile).  Linear feet are divided by 10 them multiplied by .0284. 




Road frontage of 5280 feet (1 mile) or more (5280/10 = 528 * .0284 = 15.0)               15 points

Road frontage of 2640 feet (1/2 mile) (2640/10 = 264 * .0284 = 7.5)                          7.5 points

Road frontage of 1320 feet (1/4 mile) (1320/10 = 132 * .0284 = 3.75)                      3.75 points


Example:         Parcel has 1 mile of road frontage. Total points = 15 points.




10.   Location to other protected property                                                                  Maximum Points: 15

    1. Parcel is near other private land which has already been permanently protected from development through a conservation easement or deed restriction (development rights may have been purchased, transferred or donated).

Parcel is adjacent to protected land                                                       10 points

Parcel is not adjacent but within 1 mile of protected land                          8 points

Parcel is not within 1 mile of protected land                                             0 points

    1. More than 50% of the land within 1 mile of the parcel perimeter is enrolled in the Farmland and Open Space Preservation Act OR if the parcel is adjacent to land under public ownership that is specifically designated for long-term natural resource use or conservation purposes protected from development.  

  5 points if not, then 0 Points


Example:         Parcel is adjacent to a previously protected farmland parcel = 10 points

      Seventy-five (75%) of the surrounding land within 1 mile is in P.A. 116 = 5 points


11.   Agricultural District Zoning Designation                                                            Maximum Points: 10

Additional points are given to parcels that are designated as an agricultural district.

Exclusive Agricultural District, A-1; (Restricts Residential Development)                                    10 points

General Agricultural District, A-2                                                                                              3 points

Non-Agricultural District                                                                                                           0 points


Example:         Parcel has been designated as an exclusive agricultural district, A-1 under current zoning.  Total Points = 10 points


12.  Block Applications                                                                                               Maximum Points:  10

Emphasis is placed on applications which consist of one or more landowners who create a 500 acre, or more, block of contiguous farmland.  Contiguous blocks of farmland have a greater potential for creating a long-term business environment for agriculture. Parcels applying in a block application must be contiguous. Each applicant in the block application receives points for this section.


One or more landowners apply together to create over 1000 contiguous acres               10 points

One or more landowners apply together to create 750 to 999 contiguous acres              8 points

One or more landowners apply together to create 500 to 749 contiguous acres              6 points

One or more landowners apply together to create 0 to 500 contiguous acres                  0 points



Example:  Four landowners, with varying parcel acreage, apply a block-application of over 800 contiguous acres. (Each of the four landowners would receive 8 points for this section)


Note:  IF a parcel in a block application is preserved, the remaining landowners will continue to receive full points for this section of the scoring criteria in future cycles, provided they still wish to participate in the block application.


OTHER CRITERIA (30 points)

13.   Additional Points Based on Matching Funds                                                     Maximum Points: 20

0-24% donation                                                           0 points    

25% or greater donation                                               Multiply by .4  (Maximum, 20 points)


Example 1:      Landowner is willing to donate 25% of the development rights value. 

(25 x .4 = 10)                                      Total points = 13.75 points

Example 2       Landowner is willing to donate 50% of the development rights value.

                        (50 x .4 = 20)                                      Total points = 20 points


(The State Agriculture Preservation Fund Board states 25% local match as a priority for allocating matching to programs.)


14.  Unique Environmental, or Historical, Characteristics                           Maximum Points: 5

Unique characteristics are present such as environmental, physical (for example unique soils for agricultural production), historical, etc..

Parcel has unique features                                                                                                         5 points

Parcel does not have unique features                                                                                         0 points


15.  Michigan Agricultural Environmental Assurance Program  (MAEAP)            Maximum Points: 5

Participation in the MAEAP demonstrates a commitment to environmental stewardship above and beyond a conservation plan.  The State Agriculture Preservation Board has identified the MAEAP as a priority to providing matching funds. Farms verified under the MAEAP must show certification to receive points.



Total points possible – 165