SUBSTITUTE                                                                                                             ADOPTED - JUNE 9, 2009

Agenda Item No. 23


Introduced by the Judiciary Committee of the:








WHEREAS, until 2001 the Jury Board was appointed by the Circuit Court and treated as having only a minor and ceremonial role in the selection of jurors; and


WHEREAS, PA 454 of 2000 transferred the appointment power to the Board of Commissioners; and


WHEREAS, the Ingham County Judiciary Committee has heard testimony over the past several years on the importance of the juror system as one of the pillars of a fair, impartial and efficient Justice System in Ingham County; and


WHEREAS, the jury selection process has not been reviewed by some Ingham County Courts in several years; and


WHEREAS, new technologies and standard practices have shown to save funds, enhance the number of individuals into the jury pool, and saves jurors time and inconvenience; and


WHEREAS, under the supervision of the Jury Board, considerable progress has been made over the past five years to remedy some of the identified problems; and

WHEREAS, the Ingham County Judiciary Committee has reviewed several suggestions for improvements to the processes associated with the identification, assemblage and empanelment of qualified jurors; and


WHEREAS, the description of the Jury Board's role specified in State Law contains only a general outline of their role and duties; and


WHEREAS, the Ingham County Judiciary Committee has debated the merits of a transfer of the appointment of the Ingham County Jury Administrator with all the duties and responsibilities inherent in that position.


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Ingham County Board of Commissioners hereby states its position that the Ingham County Jury Board is the preeminent authority for all aspects of the identification, assemblage and empanelment of qualified jurors in Ingham County as required by State Statute.






ADOPTED - JUNE 9, 2009

Agenda Item No. 23




BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Ingham County Board of Commissioners declares that it looks to the Jury Board to assume a supervisory role over the process of selecting, qualifying, and assigning  jurors, including the process of following up with potential jurors who fail to discharge their legal responsibilities to reply to juror questionnaires and summonses.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Ingham County Board of Commissioners requests that all officials and agencies involved in the jury selection, empanelment and oversight process to cooperate with the Jury Board.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that recommendations from the Jury Board regarding changes to the County's processes and rules shall be presented to the Judiciary Committee for review and possible implementation.


JUDICIARY:  Yeas:  Bahar-Cook, McGrain, Thomas, Koenig, Nolan, Schafer

         Nays:  None       Absent:  None         Approved 5/28/09