ADOPTED - JULY 28, 2009

Agenda Item No. 34


Introduced by the County Services and Finance Committees of the:








WHEREAS, the Ingham County Board of Commissioners authorized in Resolution #02-178, for the Purchasing Department to proceed with implementing a Procurement Card Program; and


WHEREAS, the Procurement Card Team was formed including representatives from Budgeting, Financial Services, Human Resources, Management Information Systems, Treasury and the Purchasing Departments; and


WHEREAS, the Ingham County Board of Commissioners authorized in Resolution #03-026, the Agreement with Comerica for the Procurement Card Program at no cost to the County; and


WHEREAS, the Ingham County Board of Commissioners authorized in Resolution #07-019 a change to the rebate payment schedule and an extension of the agreement from July 31, 2006 until July 30, 2009, with all other agreement sections to remain the same including the provision that there will be no cost to the County; and


WHEREAS, the Procurement Card Team has reviewed the Procurement Card Program which has approximately 140 cards issued to staff with the operation of the program working well; and 


WHEREAS, the County has additional needs for other types of cards and Comerica has agreed to supply Ingham County with a Workplace Card which will meet current needs for reloadable cards; and 


WHEREAS, the Procurement Card Team recommends the acceptance of an agreement extension with Comerica for the term of July 31, 2009 until July 30, 2012.


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Ingham County enters into a three-year extension of the agreement with Comerica for the Procurement Card Program, including a Workplace Card option, for the term of July 31, 2009 until July 30, 2012.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the agreement shall be extendable at that time if mutually agreed upon.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Clerk and the Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners are hereby authorized to sign the necessary agreement documents prepared and approved as to form by the County Attorney=s Office on behalf of the County.


COUNTY SERVICES: Yeas:  Celentino, Holman, Copedge, Grebner, Vickers

    Nays:  None           Absent:  Koenig   Approved 7/21/09


FINANCE:   Yeas:  Grebner, Nolan, Bahar-Cook, Tennis, Davis, Dougan

    Nays:  None          Absent:  None        Approved 7/22/09