ADOPTED - MARCH 24, 2009

Agenda Item No. 18


Introduced by the County Services and Finance Committees of the: 








WHEREAS, due to current economic conditions, several revenue and expense problems totaling $1.4 million have been identified since the adoption of the 2009 Budget on October 28, 2008; and


WHEREAS, as a result of a continual increase in expenses for County operations, Ingham County must take significant measures to reduce expenses in an attempt to minimize Ingham County government’s projected budget deficit, and to reduce the number of positions facing layoff in future years; and


WHEREAS, in order to reduce expenses, the Board of Commissioners wishes to encourage Department Heads, Elected Officials, and Judges to allow employees voluntary time off without pay; and


WHEREAS, the Equipment Revolving Fund has an excess of $1.8 million in fund balance at the end of 2008, which is greater than the amount needed for any anticipated equipment replacements for the next several years; and


WHEREAS, three debt service funds have unnecessary fund balances; and


WHEREAS, it is expected that long-term strategies to maintain current year expenses within current year revenues will be identified during the 2010 budget process.


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Ingham County Board of Commissioners is implementing a hiring freeze on all permanent positions for Ingham County effective immediately.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the hiring freeze will be effective for all departments, with the only exceptions being for positions that are funded 100% from non-General Fund sources to be reviewed by the Controller/Administrator on a case by case basis.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Department Heads who believe it is necessary to fill a position to maintain vital county services can make a formal request to the County Services Committee.



ADOPTED - MARCH 24, 2009

Agenda Item No. 18




BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that temporary employees or members of different bargaining units will not be substituted to perform daily functions of any bargaining unit positions that are affected by the hiring freeze. 


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the hiring freeze will continue through the end of the 2009 budget year (December 31, 2009 for most funds, September 30, 2009 for the Health and Child Care Funds) and will be reviewed for continuation into 2010 as part of the 2010 budget process.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Board of Commissioners hereby encourages Department Heads, Elected Officials, and Judges, where possible, to allow employees voluntary time off without pay.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the decision to allow employee time off without pay for up to 10 days annually shall be at the sole discretion of the Department Head, Elected Official, or Judge based on the department’s work flow.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in such cases where employees are allowed time off without pay, temporary employees shall not be used in place of the employee on leave. 


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in such cases where employees are allowed time off without pay, overtime shall not be paid to other employees in place of the employee on leave.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that employees taking voluntary time off of ten (10) days or less shall have their medical insurance continued; will not be required to use annual accumulations;  and will not forfeit holiday pay if the time off without pay is taken before or after a holiday.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that taking voluntary time off of ten (10) days or less shall have no effect on employees’ sick and vacation accumulations or longevity pay.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Chairperson is authorized to sign any necessary or required letters of understanding with the unions if necessary for implementation.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the provisions of this resolution in regard to voluntary time off without pay expire December 31, 2009.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that no out of state travel funded by the General Fund will be permitted for the remainder of 2009.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the 2009 Ingham County Budget be amended to reduce the General Fund budget by $1.4 million as follows:




ADOPTED - MARCH 24, 2009

Agenda Item No. 18





Cost Savings Strategy

General Fund Budget Savings

Implement Hiring Freeze for 2009


Eliminate Out of State Travel


Reduce In State Travel by 25%


Reduce Training by 25%


Reduce Telephone by 25%


Reduce Supplies by 10%


Eliminate Education Reimbursement


Suspend Transfers to Equipment Revolving Fund


Eliminate Fund Balance from Debt Service Funds





BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Departments will maintain the ability to transfer funds within their budgets as permitted by the Ingham County Budget Transfer Policy (Resolution #94-93).



COUNTY SERVICES:  Yeas:  Celentino, Koenig, Holman, Copedge, Grebner, Vickers

    Nays:  None         Absent:  None         Approved 3/17/09


FINANCE:    Yeas:  Grebner, Nolan, Tennis, Davis, Dougan

     Nays:  None        Absent:  Bahar-Cook   Approved 3/18/09