ADOPTED - APRIL 13, 2010
Agenda Item No. 28
Introduced by the Human Services Committee of the:
WHEREAS, the Michigan Public Health Code, Article 6, Part 62, Section 6211, directs the Office of Substance Abuse Services “…to recommend to the governor and legislature criteria for a formula basis for the distribution of substance abuse state and federal funds for substance abuse treatment and prevention”; and
WHEREAS, a 2005 Performance Audit of the Bureau of Substance Abuse and Addiction Services recommended that “…Bureau of Substance Abuse and Addiction Services (BSAAS) review its methodology for allocating funds to its regional Coordinating Agencies to help insure that funding for substance abuse prevention and treatment services is based on the needs for those services in each region”; and
WHEREAS, BSAAS agreed with the audit finding and convened and facilitated an Advisory Formula Allocation Workgroup; and
WHEREAS, the Advisory Formula Allocation Workgroup recommended an allocation formula to BSAAS in August of 2005, that has not been implemented; and
WHEREAS, the Mid-South Substance Abuse Commission is the Regional Coordinating Agency for the counties of Clinton, Eaton, Gratiot, Hillsdale, Ingham, Ionia, Jackson, Lenawee, Newaygo; and
WHEREAS, the annual allocation of funds by BSAAS to Mid-South Substance Abuse Commission is nearly $1.2 million less than determined by the formula developed by the Advisory Formula Allocation Workgroup; and
WHEREAS, the lost funding causes reduced services for the residents of the nine (9) counties served by Mid-South Substance Abuse Commission; and
WHEREAS, the funding inequity results in disproportionate human and financial costs within the referenced counties, including increased medical, law enforcement, judicial, and other costs.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Ingham County Board of Commissioners urges the Michigan Department of Community Health Bureau of Substance Abuse and Addiction Services to immediately begin the implementation of the allocation formula as recommended by the Advisory Formula Allocation Workgroup in August of 2005.
ADOPTED - APRIL 13, 2010
Agenda Item No. 28
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Ingham County Board of Commissioners authorizes the Board Chairperson and the County Clerk to sign any necessary documents that are consistent with this resolution and approved as to form by the County Attorney.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Ingham County Board of Commissions requests that the Ingham County Clerk submit this resolution to the Michigan Department of Community Health Bureau of Substance Abuse and Addiction Services, the Director of the Michigan Department of Community Health, Representatives and Senators elected to serve our county residents, the Chairs of the Senate and House Appropriations Committees for the Department of Community Health, the County Board of Commissioners for each of the nine counties served by the Mid-South Substance Abuse Commission, the Michigan Association of Counties (MAC), and to the Mid-South Substance Abuse Commission.
HUMAN SERVICES: Yeas: McGrain, Davis, Nolan, Koenig
Nays: None Absent: Tennis, Vickers Approved 4/05/10