ADOPTED - MAY 11, 2010

                                                                                                                                                   Agenda Item No. 20


Introduced by the Human Services, County Services and Finance Committees of the:








WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners establishes the Plan of Organization for the Health Department, with the concurrence of the Michigan Department of Community Health; and


WHEREAS, Health Officer Dean G. Sienko, M.D., reorganized the administrative structure of the Health Department as approved in Resolution #07-079; and


WHEREAS, since that time, significant administrative personnel changes have occurred in the Department; and


WHEREAS, the Health Officer recommends reducing administrative structure through the elimination of a vacant Deputy Health Officer position; and


WHEREAS, the proposed changes will realign programs and administrative services and will result in increased administrative, programmatic and fiscal efficiency; and


WHEREAS, the proposed adjustments can be implemented by taking advantage of currently vacant positions and retirements at a significant budgetary savings; and


WHEREAS, the proposed recommendations have been evaluated by the Human Resources Department which has concurred with the recommendations that are contained in this resolution; and


WHEREAS, the affected bargaining groups have been consulted and provided documentation regarding the recommendations contained in this resolution; and


WHEREAS, the Health Officer recommends that the Board of Commissioners accept the proposed realignment and restructuring of services and authorize the resulting changes in job titles, classifications and establishment of positions; and


WHEREAS, the Health Officer has advised that no additional funds are required and that implementation of the proposed changes result in cost savings.


THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Ingham County Board of Commissioners hereby amends the Ingham County Health Department Plan of Organization.


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Board of Commissioners authorizes the following changes in job titles and reclassification/salary grades.






                                                                                                                                     ADOPTED - MAY 11, 2010

                                                                                                                                                   Agenda Item No. 20




Position number            Current Grade              Proposed Grade           Title


601129                        UAW C                       UAW D                       OYC CHR II  

601096                        UAW D                       UAW F                        Immunizations CHR IV

601336                        UAW C                       UAW D                       Environ. Health CHR II

601373                        PRO 9                         MCF 10                       Billing & Reporting Manager

601135                        UAW G                       PRO 5                         Public Health Specialist

601395                        PRO 5                         PRO 6                         Customer Ser. Coordinator

601003                        MCF 16                       MCF 17                       DHO, Comm. Health Serv.

601079                        MCF 11                       MCF 13                       Dir Policy, Programs &


601381                        MCF 15                       MCF 17                       DHO, Public Health Serv.

601067                        PRO 8                         MCF 11                       HPM Services Manager

601069                        MNA 3                        MNA 4                        Quality & Safety Coordinator

601007                        MCF 12                       MCF 13                       Chief Financial Officer

601121                        PRO 8                         PRO 9                                     OYC Coordinator

601138                        PHN 4                         MCF 11                       PHN & Special Prog. Supr.

601293                        PRO 8                         PRO 9                         Child & Adolescent Health

Center Coordinator

601414                        MNA 3                        PRO 8                         Grants Coordinator


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Board of Commissioners authorizes the following changes in job titles:


Position / Title                                                               Proposed Title


601402 / CHR II                                                          Health Secretary          

601297 / Grant Supervisor                                           Community Health Center Supervisor

601376 / Jail Medical Supervisor                                  Community Health Center Supervisor

601245 / Clinical Services Supervisor               Community Health Center Supervisor

601228 / Professional Services Supervisor                    Community Health Center Supervisor

601197 / Front Office Supervisor                                 Community Health Center Supervisor

601416 / Physician                                                       Physician/CHC Medical Director

601377 / Program Specialist                                         Project Specialist

601064 / Medical and Customer Service Cord.            Medical Services Coordinator  

601025 / Primary Care Physician                               Primary Care Physician /Deputy Med. Dir.          


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Board of Commissioners authorizes the following part-time position be established:


Position / Title                                                                           Proposed Grade


Accountant-PT                                                             ICEA PRO7


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the following vacant positions be eliminated:




                                                                                                                                     ADOPTED - MAY 11, 2010

                                                                                                                                                   Agenda Item No. 20




Position/Title                                                                                         Grade


601076  / Deputy Health Officer for Health Plan Management   MCF 16

601119 / Early Childhood Consultant                                                    ICEA PRO5

601396 / Health Program Assistant - PT                                               UAW C


BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that all position adjustments be effective upon resolution approval.


HUMAN SERVICES:  Yeas:  McGrain, Tennis, Nolan, Koenig, Vickers

     Nays:  None     Absent:  Davis         Approved  5/03/10


COUNTY SERVICES:  Yeas:  Copedge, Schor, Grebner, McGrain, Vickers

     Nays:  None     Absent:  Celentino          Approved  5/04/10


FINANCE:  Yeas:  Grebner, Tennis, Bahar-Cook, Schor, Holman, Dougan

     Nays:  None     Absent:  None         Approved  5/05/10