FEBRUARY 23, 2010
Agenda Item No. 17
Introduced by the County Services and Finance Committees of the:
WHEREAS, on November 13, 2001, pursuant to the Brownfield Redevelopment Financing Act, PA 381 of 1996, as amended (“the Act”), the Ingham County Board of Commissioners adopted Resolution #01-328 creating the Ingham County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (the “ICBRA”), in order to promote the redevelopment of environmentally distressed, functionally obsolete, and/or blighted areas of the County; and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners approved the Brownfield Plan for Redevelopment of Ingham County Land Bank Fast Track Authority Parcels in Lansing City Only (“the Plan”) on October 28, 2008, (Resolution #08-291) in order to restore environmental and economic viability of those properties pursuant to the Act; and
WHEREAS, the ICBRA prepared and recommends for the Ingham County Board of Commissioners’ approval, a 2010 amendment to that Plan that removes ineligible properties and adds additional properties that have become eligible because they are under the control of the Land Bank Authority or adjacent to such properties; and
WHEREAS, in accordance with Sections 13(10) and 14(1) of the Act, the ICBRA has provided notices to the public and all taxing jurisdictions affected by the Plan and provided reasonable opportunities to express views and recommendations about the Plan; and
WHEREAS, the Ingham County Board of Commissioners has determined the following:
a. The Amended Plan meets the requirements in Section 13 of the Act;
b. The proposed method of financing the costs of the eligible activities is feasible;
c. The costs of eligible activities proposed are reasonable and necessary to carry out the purposes of the Act;
d. The captured taxable value estimated to result from the Plan’s adoption is reasonable;
e. The Plan, in accordance with the Act, constitutes a public purpose; and
WHEREAS, as a result of its review of the Plan and upon consideration of the views and recommendations of the City of Lansing, affected taxing jurisdictions and the public, the Ingham County Board of Commissioners desires to proceed with approval of the Plan.
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that pursuant to the authority vested in the Ingham County Board of Commissioners by the Act, and pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of Section 14 of the Act, the Plan is hereby approved in the form attached as Exhibit “A” to this Resolution.
FEBRUARY 23, 2010
Agenda Item No. 17
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that should any section, clause or phrase of this Resolution be declared by the Courts to be invalid, the same shall not affect the validity of this Resolution as a whole nor any part thereof other than the part so declared to be invalid and all resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict with any of the provisions of this Resolution are hereby repealed.
COUNTY SERVICES: Yeas: Copedge, Schor, Celentino, Grebner, McGrain, Vickers
Nays: None Absent: None Approved 2/02/10
FINANCE: Yeas: Grebner, Tennis, Schor, Dougan
Nays: None Absent: Bahar-Cook, Holman Approved 2/03/10
Introduction and Purpose
Ingham County established the Ingham County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority (“the Authority”) pursuant to Michigan Public Act 381 of 1996 as amended in order to promote and facilitate the revitalization of environmentally distressed, blighted, and functionally obsolete properties within the County boundaries. In partnership with the Ingham County Land Bank Fast Track Authority (the “Land Bank”), and the City of Lansing, the Ingham County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority has developed this Plan and its amendments. This redevelopment plan and its amendments promotes the redevelopment of and private investment in certain properties, particularly those under the control or influence of the Ingham County that are “brownfields” and are within the City of Lansing. This Plan is intended to be a living document which may be amended or modified as necessary to achieve the purposes of Act 381 and the County’s redevelopment goals.
This Plan identifies eligible properties and, if tax increment revenues are proposed to be captured by the eligible property, this plan identifies and authorizes the eligible activities funded by such revenues. The identification of any developer or of any proposed use for eligible property is not integral to the effectiveness or validity of this Plan and changes proposed shall not necessitate an amendment to the Plan, affect its application, nor impair the rights available to the Authority under this Plan.
Project Summary
The Ingham County Land Bank Fast Track Authority Lansing Only Project redevelops parcels of property in the City of Lansing, Michigan, that are listed and identified in Appendix A of this Plan. The properties will be transformed through one or more of the following: building demolition and renovation, site preparation activities, infrastructure improvements, lead-based paint and asbestos abatement, environmental investigation and remediation, and eligible Land Bank expenses. The properties will be redeveloped into a combination of residential, commercial, retail, and community economic development uses. The project will require demolition of some existing buildings, site preparation, due care, environmental response activities and public infrastructure improvements. The project will create both temporary construction jobs and new permanent jobs. It will reuse contaminated and blighted sites and will provide a significant increase to the City and County’s tax base.
Basis of Eligibility
Per 2004 amendments to Public Act 381 of 1996, “Eligible Property” includes parcels owned or under the control of a Land Bank Fast Track Authority. The Property in this project is “eligible” because it is the real and personal property parcels owned or under the control of the Land Bank and affected parcels adjacent to or contiguous with Land Bank parcels. They have been identified and listed in Appendix A of this document. A map of the properties is in Appendix B of this document.
The properties addressed in this Plan are, for the most part, in areas identified by the City of Lansing as priority neighborhoods for redevelopment and repair. There is a particular focus of this Plan on the former ‘School for the Blind’ property and the neighborhood affected by this dilapidated property. That site is “eligible property” as defined by the Act because it has been determined to be a “facility” as defined in Part 201 of the NREPA as a result of described contamination. Amendment 1 of this Plan also brings focus on the former DeLuxe Inn, a tax reverted and dilapidated hotel building near downtown Lansing.
Required Elements of A Brownfield Plan
1. A description of costs intended to be paid for with the tax increment revenues. (MCLA 125.2663(1)(a))
Developers will seek tax increment financing from local taxes and will seek school operating and state education taxes through a separate Act 381 Work Plan, for eligible activities at the Plan properties including Baseline Environmental Assessment (BEA), due care activities, additional response activities and Michigan Public Act 381 work plan preparation. Table 1 provides the estimated cost of the eligible activities for this project which qualify for reimbursement from tax increment financing. These will be eligible for reimbursement from a bond issued on the tax increment captures.
Estimated |
Eligible Activity Description |
Total Cost |
Units |
Cost/Unit |
$232,755 |
25 |
$9,310 |
Remove Structure |
$202,000 |
20 |
$10,100 |
Interior (Rehab) |
$30,755 |
5 |
$6,151 |
$90,050 |
25 |
$3,602 |
Inspection |
$27,500 |
25 |
$1,100 |
Abatement |
$62,550 |
25 |
$2,502 |
$203,522 |
58 |
$3,509 |
$42,000 |
1 |
$42,000 |
Phase I Env. Site Assessments |
$2,000 |
$2,000 |
Phase II Env. Site Assessments |
$15,000 |
$15,000 |
Due Care Activities |
$25,000 |
$25,000 |
$10,000 |
2 |
$5,000 |
Act 381 Work Plan |
$8,000 |
1 |
$8,000 |
State Review |
$2,000 |
1 |
$2,000 |
$8,000 |
1 |
$8,000 |
$46,000 |
46 |
$1,000 |
$174,000 |
58 |
$3,000 |
$960,000 |
58 |
$16,552 |
$1,766,327 |
$1,766,327 |
2. A brief summary of the eligible activities that are proposed for each eligible property. (MCLA 125.2663(1)(b))
“Eligible activities” are defined in the Act as meaning one or more of the following: (i) baseline environmental assessment activities; (ii) due care activities; and (iii) additional response activities.
Phase I Environmental Assessments will be performed as needed using the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) “Standard Practice for Environmental Site Assessments” E-1527 with its good practices and establishing “due diligence” according the USEPA All Appropriate Inquiry standards.
Phase II Environmental Site Assessments and Baseline Environmental Assessments:
The Phase II Site Investigations will evaluate the environmental conditions recognized on the properties by the Phase I assessment and is based on ASTM Designation E1903. The analytical data will be compared to appropriate Michigan Department of Environmental Quality Cleanup Criteria and a scope of work designed to guide safe property reuse. If contamination is identified, a Baseline Environmental Assessment (BEA) can be prepared on behalf of prospective owners/operators that can allow for liability protection for the cleanup of contamination under Part 201 of Michigan’s Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Act (PA 451 or 1994 as amended).
Due Care Activities can be undertaken to outline response activities that allow for redevelopment and use of the properties in a manner that protects public health, safety, welfare, and the environment or natural resources. A Section 7a Compliance Analysis, called a “Due Care” Plan can be prepared for prospective owners/operators and activities including additional investigations, contaminated soil removal and disposal, capping of contaminated areas will be performed.
Site Work Plans including an Act 381 Plan will be prepared and submitted for approval to the State of Michigan as required for capture of school operating tax increment revenues for all eligible environmental activities. All parcels in this plan as eligible property for purposes of reimbursement are within a Qualified Local Unit of Government and work plans and amendments to those plans will be submitted to the Michigan Economic Growth Authority (MEGA) for review and approval as well. The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and Michigan Economic Development Corporation may charge fees for the review of these Work Plans and their amendments.
In addition, for eligible property owned or under the control of a land bank fast track authority, the Act includes the following additional activities under the definition of “eligible activities”:
(A) Infrastructure improvements that directly benefit eligible property- may be necessary for some properties in the Plan including, but not limited to public infrastructure improvements including road construction, sidewalks, extension of water and sewer to building pads, access/public use roads, pedestrian mall, public park areas, lighting landscaping, park benches, etc.;
(B) Demolition of structures that is not response activity under Part 201 of NREPA – the Land Bank anticipates demolishing structures in whole or part on the Plan’s eligible parcels. The Land Bank also anticipates rehabilitating a number of structures, mostly residential, including interior demolition of the structures.
(C) Lead or asbestos abatement- Inspection to evaluate the extent of the hazards in structures with likely lead-based paint and asbestos will be necessary for structures that will be demolished in whole or part. Structures with lead-based paint and asbestos will require appropriate removal or encapsulation, operation and Maintenance Plans or Due Care Plans.; and
(D) Site preparation that is not response activity under Part 201 of NREPA may include excavation, clearing and grubbing, mass grading, cut and fill, land balancing, relocation of utilities, engineering and design fees, etc.
(E) Title Clearance for some properties that have been tax reverted to Ingham County will be required and costs are estimated in this Plan.
(F) Property Purchase for economic development purposes using local tax increment revenue, but not school tax revenue, is allowed under Act 381 as amended in 2007. Under this Plan, the Land Bank purchases the former School for the Blind property for an economic development including mixed use and residential components. It also will purchase other specific properties for economic development and revitalization of Lansing priority neighborhoods.
(G) Interest and other bond expenses incurred on debts and bonds of the Authority for this project shall be reimbursed from all sources of tax increment revenue captured under this Plan.
(H) Administrative Costs and operating costs of the Authority that are reasonable and actual will be reimbursed to the extent permitted by Section 13(16) of Act 381 as amended. Estimates are provided in Appendix C. The total cost of Eligible Activities subject to reimbursement or payment from tax revenues generated by the eligible parcels listed in Appendix A of this Plan and its amendments will not exceed the total combined amounts listed in Appendix C without an amendment to this Plan.
3. An estimate of the captured taxable value and tax increment revenues for each year of the Plan from each parcel of eligible property and in the aggregate. (MCLA 125.2663(1)(c))
An estimate of real property tax capture for tax increment financing is in Appendix C of this document. The Authority’s intention is to capture and collect only the tax increment revenues form parcels in this Plan that are required to pay obligations incurred and approved pursuant to this Plan.
4. The method by which the costs of the Plan will be financed, including a description of any advances made or anticipated to be made for the costs of the Plan from the County. (MCLA 125.2663(1)(d))
No advances have been made or anticipated from the County or the Authority for the costs of eligible activities under this Plan. This Plan may be financed in part by the issuance of bonds or notes of the Authority as authorized by Act 381.
5. The maximum amount of the note or bonded indebtedness to be incurred, if any. (MCLA 125.2663(1)(3))
The Authority may incur a revolving line of credit indebtedness as part of this Plan.
6. The Duration of the Plan (MCLA 125.2663(1)(f)).
Tax increment financing shall commence on January 1, 2009 and shall not exceed the maximum term allowed under the Act. The estimated duration of the brownfield plan for this Project is from 2009 through 2025. The initial taxable value for the properties in the tables of Appendix A will be set as of the assessment roll of 2009. In addition, funds will be captured after the recapture of eligible costs for up to an additional five years to fund the local county site remediation revolving fund.
7. An estimate of the impact of tax increment financing on the revenues of all taxing jurisdictions in which the Property is located. (MCLA 125.2663(1)(g))
An estimate of real property tax capture is provided in Appendix C.
8. A legal description of each parcel of eligible property in the Plan, maps showing the location and dimensions of eligible property, a statement of the characteristics that qualify the property as eligible property, and a statement of whether personal property is included as a part of the eligible property. (MCLA 125.2663(1)(h))
Appendix A of this Plan includes lists of the eligible property parcels with address/location, tax identification parcel number, and characteristics that qualify the property as eligible (tax reverted, under the control of the Land Bank, etc.). Please see Appendix B for maps showing the eligible parcels in this plan.
Characteristics of Property: All of the parcels listed as the “eligible property” in this Plan are under the control of the Ingham County Fast Track Land Bank Authority with most parcels tax reverted, and others dilapidated, obsolete, and/or abandoned. Personal property added to any parcel shall be included as part of the eligible property.
9. An estimate of the number of persons residing on each eligible property and the number of families or individuals to be displaced, if any. (MCL 125.2663(1)(i))
There are no persons residing on these properties and no families or individuals will be displaced.
10. A plan for establishing the relocation of persons displaced by the Plan, if applicable. (MCLA 125.2663(1)(j))
This section is inapplicable to this Plan as there are no persons residing on these properties.
11. Provision for the costs of relocating persons displaced by the Plan, if any. (MCLA 125.2663(1)(k))
This section is inapplicable to this plan as there are no persons residing on these properties.
12. A strategy for compliance with the Michigan Relocation Assistance Act, if applicable. (MCLA 125.2663(1)(l))
This section is inapplicable to this plan as there are no persons residing on the Properties.
13. A description of the proposed use of the local site remediation revolving fund. (MCLA 125.2663(l)(m))
The Ingham County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority is authorized to capture tax increment revenues for its local site remediation revolving fund which will be used to support and assist in the assessment and remediation of brownfield sites in Ingham County as allowed under Act 381.
14. Other material that the Authority or the Township Board considers pertinent. (MCLA 125.2663(1)(n))
This project facilitates important economic development and revitalization to the brownfields in the city of Lansing particularly in neighborhoods and areas impacted by blighted, tax reverted, abandoned, obsolete, and/or dilapidated properties. The project will increase the City and County’s tax base, provide additional retail/commercial space as well as housing, will create attractiveness for economic development and investment, and will provide new jobs including shorter term construction as well as long term jobs in revitalized neighborhoods and businesses.
Michigan Business Tax Credit
It is the intention of the Michigan Legislature to encourage redevelopment of brownfields using the 10% Michigan Business Tax credit incentive permitted under MI Public Act 36, Public Acts of 2007, as amended. The Michigan Business Tax credit can be applied against any “eligible investment” at the Property. The Michigan Business Tax credit will be applied against any eligible investment or part thereof made by a qualified taxpayer after approval of this Brownfield Redevelopment Plan by the County and receipt of a preapproval letter from the State of Michigan.
“Eligible investment” means demolition, construction, restoration, alteration, renovation, or improvement of buildings on eligible property and the addition of machinery, equipment, and fixtures to the Property after the date of the pre-approval letter.
Developers may apply for a Michigan business tax (“MBT”) credit at the eligible property pursuant to Act 36 of the Public Acts of Michigan of 2007.
Appendix A: Eligible Property
Appendix A- Part 1
Original 280 Parcels
This is the list of the original properties included in the Plan approved by the City of Lansing and the County of Ingham on Oct. 28, 2008
Original 280 Parcels - |
Parcel # |
Address |
Base Year |
Eligibility |
33-01-01-03-377-141 |
2226 Rheamount |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-03-377-161 |
2220 Rheamount |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-06-129-091 |
3220 Westmont |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-06-129-111 |
3210 Westmont |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-228-071 |
1540 Lansing Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-228-091 |
1534 Lansing Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-228-471 |
1513 Roosevelt Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-228-481 |
1519 Roosevelt Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-228-581 |
1555 Roosevelt Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-228-591 |
1561 Roosevelt Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-229-002 |
Railroad ROW-ABAND |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-229-021 |
Roosevelt Ave - City of Lansing |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-03-377-151 |
2222 Rheamount Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-03-377-321 |
Commonwealth Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-04-278-031 |
Chilson Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-04-377-081 |
Turner St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-06-129-101 |
3214 Westmont Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-08-228-081 |
Lansing Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-08-229-031 |
Roosevelt Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-08-229-041 |
1550 Roosevelt Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-229-081 |
1530 Roosevelt Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-229-091 |
Roosevelt Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-229-261 |
1523 Knollwood Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-229-271 |
Knollwood Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-08-229-281 |
1533 Knollwood Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-229-311 |
1549 Knollwood Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-230-051 |
1530 Knollwood Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-230-061 |
1526 Knollwood Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-230-071 |
1524 Knollwood Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-232-181 |
1539 Lansing Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-282-332 |
1337 Knollwood Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-282-341 |
1341 Knollwood Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-283-001 |
1344 Knollwood Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-283-011 |
Knollwood Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-08-283-021 |
1334 Knollwood Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-332-021 |
Comfort St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-08-427-021 |
10.56 Acres School for Blind |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-08-427-061 |
Pine/Willow "E" |
2008 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-08-427-071 |
Pine/Willow "F" |
2008 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-08-427-081 |
Pine/Willow "G" |
2008 |
Land Bank Owned |
Original 280 Parcels - |
Parcel # |
Address |
Base Year |
Eligibility |
33-01-01-08-427-091 |
N Pine St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-08-481-041 |
734 N MLK |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-481-211 |
731 Princeton Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-481-221 |
735 Princeton Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-08-481-231 |
739 Princeton Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-482-051 |
736 Princeton Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-482-061 |
734 Princeton Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-155-011 |
Christopher St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-157-061 |
614 W Willow St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-157-081 |
608 W Willow St - MSHDA |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-176-062 |
N Capitol |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-176-073 |
1611 N Capitol Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-09-176-082 |
1617 N Capitol Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-09-176-091 |
203 W North St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-176-101 |
209 W North St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-302-031 |
1214 N Pine St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-304-121 |
506 W Maple St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-304-131 |
1103 N Chesnut St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-306-006 |
601 W Maple |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-306-011 |
714 Brook |
2008 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-09-306-021 |
712 Brook St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-306-031 |
710 Brook St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-306-151 |
1011 N Pine St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-307-001 |
527 W Maple St - LHC |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-307-011 |
1026 N Pine St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-307-021 |
1024 N Pine St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-307-031 |
1022 N Pine St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-307-211 |
1027 N Chestnut St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-307-221 |
N Chestnut St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-09-307-231 |
W Maple St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-308-001 |
427 W Maple St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-304-111 |
508 W Maple St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-351-002 |
711 Brook |
2008 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-09-351-012 |
Daleford |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-351-031 |
939 N Sycamore St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-351-042 |
943 N Sycamore St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-351-062 |
945 N Sycamore St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-430-021 |
N Cedar St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-10-129-121 |
Illinois Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-10-156-211 |
E Grand River Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-10-157-121 |
1212 Ballard |
2008 |
Adjacent |
Original 280 Parcels - |
Parcel # |
Address |
Base Year |
Eligibility |
33-01-01-10-157-131 |
1210 Ballard St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-10-157-141 |
901 E Grand River |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-157-151 |
E Grand River |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-327-141 |
Porter St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-330-161 |
1111 E Oakland Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-330-171 |
1115 E Oakland Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-10-330-181 |
1117 E Oakland Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-330-201 |
911 Farrand St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-330-311 |
1017 Farrand St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-330-321 |
1021 Farrand St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-330-341 |
1138 Porter St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-330-351 |
Porter St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-10-376-121 |
1023 May St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-378-021 |
724 N Pennsylvania Ave - Ferris Penn Ave Apts |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-378-231 |
729 Johnson Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-378-271 |
1026 May St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-378-281 |
1024 May St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-10-378-291 |
1020 May St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-401-151 |
Clark St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-10-409-221 |
929 Maryland Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-409-231 |
923 Mahlon St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-410-081 |
924 Mahlon St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-410-091 |
Mahlon St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-10-410-101 |
918 Mahlon St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-410-211 |
925 Maryland Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-410-221 |
919 Mahlon St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-14-303-361 |
136 S Magnolia Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-14-303-371 |
132 S Magnolia |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-14-304-041 |
S Magnolia Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-14-327-282 |
S Mifflin Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-14-353-061 |
S Fairview Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-14-358-361 |
S Magnolia Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-14-358-371 |
S Magnolia Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-14-359-401 |
S Hayford Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-14-378-112 |
506 S Francis |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-14-378-133 |
500 S Francis Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-14-379-111 |
S Mifflin Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-14-379-121 |
530 S Mifflin |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-14-380-161 |
S Francis Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-14-380-241 |
S Francis Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-14-381-221 |
S Mifflin Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
Original 280 Parcels - |
Parcel # |
Address |
Base Year |
Eligibility |
33-01-01-14-381-262 |
604 S Mifflin |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-14-381-272 |
538 S Mifflin Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-15-151-111 |
813 Vine St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-151-121 |
317 Haag St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-152-061 |
310 Haag Ct |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-15-152-071 |
819 Vine St - Ferris |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-152-081 |
825 Vine St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-152-091 |
827 Vine St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-306-101 |
917 Prospect St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-306-142 |
224 S Pennsylvania |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-306-152 |
222 S Pennsylvania Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-15-306-162 |
216 S Pennsylvania |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-311-072 |
329 S Eighth St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-329-061 |
223 S Pennsylvania |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-352-070 |
Hickory St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-352-080 |
Hickory St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-15-352-091 |
831 Hickory St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-352-111 |
901 Hickory St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-352-261 |
902 E Kalamazoo |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-352-271 |
836 E Kalamazoo St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-15-352-281 |
834 E Kalamazoo |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-352-302 |
826 E Kalamazoo St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-355-251 |
832 Hickory St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-355-261 |
828 Hickory St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-380-091 |
Euclid Place |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-15-407-252 |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-407-321 |
1414 Prospect St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-15-407-332 |
1406 Prospect |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-408-061 |
E Kalamazoo |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-15-453-041 |
Clifford St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-15-483-192 |
Elizabeth St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-16-361-042 |
S Pine St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-16-361-052 |
522 W St Joseph |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-17-402-222 |
1118 Chelsea |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-402-231 |
1114 Chelsea |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-403-231 |
1118 W Washtenaw St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-403-281 |
224 S MLK |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-403-321 |
1111 Chelsea |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-403-331 |
1115 Chelsea Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
Original 280 Parcels - |
Parcel # |
Address |
Base Year |
Eligibility |
33-01-01-17-403-341 |
1119 Chelsea |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-454-061 |
1334 W St Joseph St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-454-071 |
W St Joseph St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-17-454-082 |
1328 W St Joseph St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-454-302 |
1311 W Hillsdale St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-18-407-253 |
1416 Prospect |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-20-132-051 |
929 Everett Dr |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-20-136-011 |
1825 Olds Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-20-136-021 |
Olds Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-20-203-171 |
814 Max Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-20-203-191 |
1403 W Main St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-20-203-201 |
W Main St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-20-203-211 |
1411 W Main St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-381-021 |
1715 Coleman Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-381-031 |
1721 Coleman Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-381-041 |
1725 Coleman Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-381-051 |
1727 Coleman Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-381-061 |
122 Smith Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-21-381-071 |
120 Smith Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-427-050 |
512 Jason Ct |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-427-064 |
Baker St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-427-067 |
517 Baker St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-21-427-070 |
521 Baker St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-427-092 |
539 Baker St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-427-103 |
1422 Linval St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-427-105 |
1418 Linval St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-21-427-110 |
1416 Linval St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-428-001 |
1417 Linval St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-428-020 |
611 Baker St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-428-025 |
615 Baker St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-428-050 |
1414 Bailey St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-428-055 |
Bailey St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-428-060 |
Bailey St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-428-070 |
1411 Linval St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-428-075 |
1413 Linval St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-21-430-230 |
520 Baker St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-430-235 |
516 Baker St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-480-115 |
1708 Linval St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-480-120 |
1702 Linval St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-481-005 |
1703 Linval St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-481-010 |
1711 Linval St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
Original 280 Parcels - |
Parcel # |
Address |
Base Year |
Eligibility |
33-01-01-21-481-015 |
1715 Linval St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-481-070 |
1708 Bailey St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-481-085 |
616 Isbell St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-226-152 |
Shepard St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-22-277-141 |
Leslie St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-22-281-081 |
1233 Allen St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-281-092 |
1237 Allen St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-22-281-111 |
1243 Allen St - Lans Hous Comm |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-303-092 |
1316 Ada St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-305-051 |
1423 Bailey St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-305-061 |
Bailey St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-22-305-071 |
1429 Bailey St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-305-211 |
1424 Lyons Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-305-241 |
1412 Lyons Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-305-251 |
1410 Lyons Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-22-305-261 |
1406 Lyons Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-306-001 |
1409 Lyons Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-306-011 |
1413 Lyons Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-306-151 |
1428 Ada St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-306-161 |
1424 Ada St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-22-306-171 |
1422 Ada St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-306-231 |
1404 Ada St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-306-241 |
Ada St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-22-307-061 |
1425 Ada St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-307-071 |
1429 Ada St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-307-161 |
849 Baker St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-307-172 |
903 Baker St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-22-307-191 |
909 Baker St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-307-201 |
1436 Pontiac St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-309-001 |
900 Baker St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-309-311 |
908 Baker St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-309-321 |
904 Baker St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-351-021 |
1517 Bailey St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-351-181 |
1618 Lyons Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-351-291 |
1520 Lyons Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-351-301 |
Lyons Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-22-351-312 |
1512 Lyons Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-352-021 |
1511 Lyons Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-352-031 |
Lyons Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-22-352-041 |
1521 Lyons Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-352-131 |
1617 Lyons Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
Original 280 Parcels - |
Parcel # |
Address |
Base Year |
Eligibility |
33-01-01-22-352-141 |
Lyons Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-22-352-151 |
1623 Lyons Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-352-781 |
Railroad ROW |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-28-406-361 |
Paris Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-30-478-011 |
3309 Viking Rd |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-30-478-021 |
3323 Viking Rd |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-30-478-031 |
3331 Viking Rd |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-276-061 |
4009 Ingham St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-276-071 |
4013 Ingham St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-276-081 |
2610 Greenbelt Dr |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-31-276-091 |
2606 Greenbelt Dr |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-405-242 |
4600 Ingham St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-405-251 |
4524 Ingham St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-31-405-261 |
4512 Ingham St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-478-031 |
4825 Sidney St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-478-041 |
4905 Sidney St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-31-478-051 |
4911 Sidney St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-32-251-395 |
Hillcrest St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-32-353-041 |
Hughes Rd |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-32-427-021 |
4501 S MLK |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-33-101-041 |
Burchfield Dr |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-33-101-051 |
Burchfield Dr |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-33-379-061 |
4923 Stafford |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-33-379-071 |
4927 Stafford Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-33-379-081 |
5003 Stafford |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-34-402-061 |
1600 E Cavanaugh |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-34-402-071 |
1526 E Cavanaugh Rd |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-34-402-081 |
E Cavanaugh Rd |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-05-05-301-001 |
Selfridge Blvd |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-05-08-227-025 |
6205 Marywood |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-05-08-227-031 |
6211 Marywood Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-05-08-227-042 |
6223 Marywood |
2008 |
Adjacent |
Commercial Properties: |
Parcel # |
Address |
Base Year |
Eligibility |
33-01-01-09-302-003 |
525 W Willow St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-377-311 |
1120 E Oakland Ave - American Alcohol |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-426-005 |
1305 S Cedar St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-32-427-001 |
4405 S MLK |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-32-427-011 |
4415 S MLK |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
Appendix A-2:
Parcels Removed in 2009 from the Original Plan
With this amendment, these parcels were removed from the Plan due to ineligibility. Some were foreclosures that the Land bank did not take possession of and the adjacent parcels to those became ineligible also.
Removed (2009) 21 Parcels - |
Parcel # |
Address |
Base Year |
Eligibility |
33-01-01-10-330-161 |
1111 E Oakland |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-330-171 |
1115 E Oakland |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-10-330-181 |
1117 E Oakland |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-330-201 |
911 Farrand St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-407-252 |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-20-132-051 |
929 Everett |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-20-136-011 |
1825 Olds Ave |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-20-136-021 |
Olds Ave |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-21-427-050 |
512 Jason Ct |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-427-064 |
Baker St |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-427-067 |
517 Baker |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-21-427-070 |
521 Baker |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-428-050 |
1414 Bailey |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-428-070 |
1411 Linval |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-428-075 |
1413 Linval |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-21-430-230 |
520 Baker |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-430-235 |
516 Baker |
2008 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-32-353-041 |
Hughes Rd |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-16-361-042 |
S Pine St |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-16-361-052 |
522 W St Joseph |
2009 |
Land Bank Owned |
Commercial Properties: |
Parcel # |
Address |
Base Year |
Eligibility |
33-01-01-10-377-311 |
1120 E Oakland Ave - American Alcohol |
2008 |
Adjacent |
Appendix A- 3: Additions of Parcels to this Plan (308)
With this amendment, parcels will be added to the Plan. They are eligible to be added for two reasons; because they are newly eligible due to becoming tax foreclosed and acquired by the Land Bank (2009 tax foreclosures). Or, because they are properties adjacent or contiguous to the Land Bank owned property. Because this is a neighborhood based project, the brownfield eligible activities undertaken under this Plan impact the properties adjacent to them. These “adjacent and contiguous properties are also eligible for inclusion in the Plan.
Additions (2009) 308 Parcels |
Parcel # |
Address |
Base Year |
Eligibility |
33-01-01-03-352-391 |
E Gier St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-08-206-261 |
1431 N ML King Jr Blvd |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-08-226-071 |
1616 N MLK |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-226-081 |
1610 N MLK |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-08-226-091 |
1606 N MLK |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-226-101 |
1040 Greenwood |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-226-111 |
1034 Greenwood |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-226-121 |
1030 Greenwood |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-226-131 |
1028 Greenwood |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-226-141 |
Roseneath |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-226-151 |
1615 Roseneath |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-231-081 |
1034 Queen |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-253-141 |
1429 Robertson |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-254-181 |
1333 Roselawn Ave |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-08-276-151 |
1425 Roseneath |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-276-171 |
1033 Queen |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-276-181 |
1031 Queen |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-08-276-191 |
1039 Queen |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-403-031 |
Theodore St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-08-427-012 |
900 Daleford (Comstock Park) |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-08-427-101 |
600 W Maple - Library |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-08-455-041 |
912 Clyde St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-09-126-071 |
202 Russell |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-09-127-002 |
1801 N Washington - Park |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-129-011 |
116 W North St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-09-154-081 |
Emerson |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-156-001 |
1344 Christopher |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-156-011 |
1342 Christopher |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-156-031 |
Christopher St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-09-156-171 |
1341 Emerson |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-156-181 |
1345 Emerson Ave |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-09-176-020 |
N Grand River Ave |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-09-180-111 |
1308 N Walnut St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-09-201-042 |
115 E Reasoner St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-09-278-051 |
1300 Center St |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-279-002 |
1226 Center St |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-279-021 |
1214 Center St |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-279-071 |
409 E Grand River |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-279-161 |
410 Liberty |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-279-171 |
406 Liberty St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-09-353-071 |
906 N Pine |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-353-081 |
904 N Pine |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-356-121 |
901 N Pine |
2010 |
Adjacent |
Additions (2009) 308 Parcels |
Parcel # |
Address |
Base Year |
Eligibility |
33-01-01-09-356-131 |
903 N Pine St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-09-356-141 |
905 N Pine |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-356-191 |
613 Bluff |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-430-291 |
1025 N Larch St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-09-477-081 |
N Cedar St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-09-477-091 |
806 N Cedar St |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-09-477-101 |
N Cedar St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-10-132-101 |
1620 Massachusetts Ave |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-10-153-201 |
Drury Ln |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-10-154-031 |
1546 N High St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-10-177-042 |
New York Ave |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-10-177-171 |
Massachusetts Ave |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-10-327-051 |
Farrand |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-327-101 |
1117 Farrand |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-327-161 |
1109 Farrand |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-328-031 |
1136 Farrand |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-328-041 |
1132 Farrand St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-10-328-051 |
1130 Farrand |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-328-071 |
1120 Farrand |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-328-081 |
1112 Farrand |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-10-328-091 |
1110 Farrand |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-328-182 |
1113 Cleveland |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-328-241 |
1135 Cleveland |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-330-361 |
1130 Porter St |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-351-041 |
829 May |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-351-061 |
835 May |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-10-351-081 |
841 May |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-351-101 |
909 May |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-351-232 |
840 E Oakland |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-353-101 |
817 E Saginaw |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-353-191 |
723 E Park Terrace |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-353-201 |
725 East Park Terrace |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-10-353-211 |
727 E Park Terrace |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-354-001 |
832 May |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-354-031 |
724 E Park Terrace |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-354-111 |
835 E Saginaw |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-354-121 |
839 E Saginaw |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-354-151 |
903 E Saginaw |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-354-165 |
709 Quaker |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-354-291 |
914 May |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-354-301 |
908 May St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-10-354-311 |
902 May |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-376-031 |
N Pennsylvania |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-376-161 |
811 Johnson |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-376-171 |
813 Johnson Ave |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
Additions (2009) 308 Parcels |
Parcel # |
Address |
Base Year |
Eligibility |
33-01-01-10-376-181 |
819 Johnson |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-376-201 |
829 Johnson |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-377-021 |
834 Johnson |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-377-031 |
832 Johnson |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-10-377-041 |
824 Johnson |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-377-091 |
812 Johnson |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-377-301 |
1206 E Oakland |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-377-332 |
1106 E Oakland |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-408-331 |
1003 Clark |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-408-341 |
1009 Clark |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-408-351 |
1015 Clark |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-409-061 |
1018 Clark |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-409-071 |
Clark St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-10-409-091 |
932 Clark |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-409-281 |
1005 Mahlon |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-409-291 |
1007 Mahlon |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-409-301 |
1011 Mahlon |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-10-409-311 |
1013 Mahlon |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-14-107-260 |
Vine St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-14-303-351 |
138 S Magnolia |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-14-359-411 |
S Hayford Ave |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-14-363-032 |
S Hayford Ave |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-14-363-042 |
S Hayford Ave |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-14-363-052 |
S Hayford Ave |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-14-363-062 |
S Hayford Ave |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-14-363-072 |
S Hayford Ave |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-14-377-051 |
S Francis Ave |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-14-379-092 |
531 S Francis |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-14-379-132 |
528 S Mifflin |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-14-381-071 |
S Francis Ave |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-15-152-051 |
314 Haag |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-278-071 |
226 Horton |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-15-302-141 |
217 Hill St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-15-302-231 |
210 S Hosmer St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-15-352-161 |
Hickory St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-15-376-281 |
1104 E Kalamazoo St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-15-376-301 |
E Kalamazoo St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-15-383-001 |
Larned St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-15-431-071 |
327 Lathrop |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-431-081 |
1501 E Kalamazoo |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-15-431-091 |
1513 E Kalamazoo |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-476-201 |
404 Allen |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-476-211 |
402 Allen St |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-476-221 |
400 Allen St |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-476-231 |
1512 E Kalamazoo |
2010 |
Adjacent |
Additions (2009) 308 Parcels |
Parcel # |
Address |
Base Year |
Eligibility |
33-01-01-15-485-012 |
607 Shepard |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-485-132 |
612 Leslie |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-485-151 |
606 Leslie St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-15-485-161 |
604 Leslie |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-486-021 |
609 Leslie |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-15-486-031 |
613 Leslie |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-16-106-101 |
618 W Genesee St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-16-108-262 |
W Lapeer St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-16-110-071 |
404 N Sycamore |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-16-126-171 |
319 W Saginaw |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-16-357-151 |
506 S Chestnut St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-16-460-149 |
River St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-17-227-241 |
727 W Saginaw |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-227-251 |
729 W Saginaw St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-17-227-261 |
801 W Saginaw |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-260-031 |
1234 W Michigan |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-401-111 |
1232 W Allegan |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-401-121 |
1230 W Allegan |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-401-501 |
1233 W Michigan |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-401-511 |
1235 W Michigan Ave |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-17-401-521 |
1301 W Michigan |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-403-271 |
226 S ML King Jr Blvd |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-17-403-291 |
222 S ML King Jr Blvd |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-17-403-301 |
216 S MLK |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-403-311 |
1107 Chelsea |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-451-061 |
1316 W Lenawee |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-451-071 |
1314 W Lenawee |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-451-131 |
1226 W Lenawee |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-451-141 |
1224 W Lenawee St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-17-451-151 |
1222 W Lenawee |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-451-561 |
1225 W Kalamazoo |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-451-571 |
1231 W Kalamazoo |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-452-212 |
516 Rulison |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-452-231 |
510 Rulison |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-452-271 |
1313 W Lenawee |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-452-282 |
1315 W Lenawee St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-17-452-302 |
1323 W Lenawee |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-453-011 |
511 Rulison |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-453-021 |
515 Rulison St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-17-453-030 |
517 Rulison |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-453-612 |
W Lenawee |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-17-453-621 |
1227 W Lenawee |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-20-103-151 |
2117 W Main St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-20-330-061 |
1421 Corbett |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-21-254-001 |
1003 Clear St |
2010 |
Adjacent |
Additions (2009) 308 Parcels |
Parcel # |
Address |
Base Year |
Eligibility |
33-01-01-21-252-065 |
1026 S Grand |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-254-005 |
1005 Clear St |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-254-010 |
1007 Clear St |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-254-022 |
1015 Clear St |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-254-025 |
1017 Clear St |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-326-091 |
114 Island Ave |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-21-431-005 |
1515 Linval |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-431-050 |
617 Avon |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-431-120 |
610 Baker |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-431-125 |
608 Baker St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-21-431-130 |
606 Baker |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-457-016 |
213 E Mt. Hope |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-21-478-065 |
1614 Bailey |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-478-075 |
1610 Bailey |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-478-080 |
1604 Bailey |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-478-085 |
614 Avon |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-478-090 |
612 Avon |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-127-081 |
1201 E Main |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-127-091 |
1205 E Main |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-128-081 |
1027 Climax |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-128-090 |
1101 Climax |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-128-101 |
1105 Climax |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-129-272 |
1204 E Main |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-131-001 |
1001 Morgan |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-177-121 |
1245 Parkview |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-177-131 |
1118 S Holmes |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-177-142 |
1114 S Holmes St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-22-177-162 |
1108 S Holmes |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-207-081 |
1037 Dakin |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-207-131 |
1038 McCullough |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-207-141 |
1036 McCullough St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-22-207-151 |
1032 McCullough |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-208-121 |
1037 McCullough |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-226-121 |
1002 Shepard |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-230-041 |
925 Shepard |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-230-051 |
1005 Shepard St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-22-230-061 |
1007 Shepard |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-230-251 |
1000 Leslie |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-251-043 |
1113 S Holmes |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-251-062 |
1119 S Holmes |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-255-161 |
1240 Bensch |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-256-101 |
1233 Bensch |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-256-111 |
1241 Bensch St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-22-256-122 |
1245 Bensch |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-256-182 |
1234 Dakin |
2010 |
Adjacent |
Additions (2009) 308 Parcels |
Parcel # |
Address |
Base Year |
Eligibility |
33-01-01-22-258-191 |
1222 Lathrop St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-22-307-211 |
1434 Pontiac |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-308-111 |
1435 Pontiac |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-308-121 |
1437 Pontiac St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-22-308-131 |
1441 Pontiac |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-308-182 |
1420 S Pennsylvania |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-309-190 |
1518 S Pennsylvania |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-309-261 |
918 Baker |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-351-121 |
1613 Bailey |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-351-131 |
1617 Bailey St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-22-351-191 |
1616 Lyons |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-351-281 |
1524 Lyons |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-352-051 |
1531 Lyons |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-352-231 |
1721 Lyons |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-352-241 |
1727 Lyons |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-22-352-251 |
1731 Lyons |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-22-354-131 |
1726 Lyons |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-23-105-003 |
S Hayford Ave |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-28-106-091 |
2110 Beal Ave |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-28-204-021 |
2217 Teel |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-28-228-131 |
2105 Roberts |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-28-433-221 |
542 Denver Ave |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-29-226-131 |
1005 W Mt Hope Ave |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-29-426-081 |
1004 Dunlap St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-29-426-116 |
916 Dunlap St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-30-176-403 |
No Street Frontage |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-30-476-551 |
Dunlap St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-31-129-191 |
4001 Stillwell |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-176-111 |
4009 Hillborn Lane |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-176-271 |
4006 Stillwell |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-176-281 |
4000 Stillwell |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-31-176-291 |
3912 Stillwell |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-179-002 |
4200 Wainwright |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-303-171 |
4320 Stillwell |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-326-001 |
4315 Stillwell |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-326-011 |
4321 Stillwell |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-31-326-021 |
4327 Stillwell |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-326-131 |
3322 Risdale |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-326-141 |
3318 Risdale |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-326-241 |
3200 Risdale |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-326-251 |
3126 Risdale |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-326-261 |
3118 Risdale Ave |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-31-327-031 |
4315 Wainwright |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-327-041 |
4319 Wainwright |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-328-021 |
3115 Risdale |
2010 |
Adjacent |
Additions (2009) 308 Parcels |
Parcel # |
Address |
Base Year |
Eligibility |
33-01-01-31-328-031 |
3121 Risdale |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-328-041 |
3127 Risdale |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-328-051 |
3201 Risdale Ave |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-31-328-061 |
3207 Risdale |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-328-201 |
3200 Jeree |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-427-001 |
4500 Pleasant Grove |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-427-022 |
4532 Pleasant Grove |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-31-478-193 |
No Street Frontage |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-32-302-171 |
4506 Starr |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-32-302-001 |
4521 Pleasant Grove |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-32-302-005 |
4529 Pleasant Grove Rd |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-32-302-011 |
4535 Pleasant Grove |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-32-375-001 |
Reo Rd |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-32-402-101 |
1206 Reo |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-32-402-122 |
1124 Reo Rd |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-32-402-131 |
1112 Reo |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-32-402-161 |
4516 S MLK |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-32-451-661 |
1123 Reo |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-32-451-671 |
1125 Reo |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-33-151-051 |
3807 Burchfield Dr |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-33-205-001 |
100 Bohnet St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-34-157-111 |
815 Jessop Ave |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-35-352-001 |
Wayne St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-35-355-051 |
2102 Worden St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-05-03-101-231 |
813 Sims Ct |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-05-04-329-561 |
Ellendale Dr |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-05-06-203-111 |
2720 Winsford |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-05-06-203-121 |
5234 Lark Circle |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-05-06-203-131 |
5228 Lark Circle |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-05-06-205-012 |
5235 Lark Circle |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-05-10-205-048 |
6315 Beechfield |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
Additions (2009) 308 Parcels - |
2010 |
Commercial Properties: |
2010 |
Parcel # |
Address |
2010 |
Eligibility |
33-01-01-10-409-081 |
934 Clark St |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-21-180-010 |
123 Cottage Ave |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-180-050 |
1134 S Washington |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-180-060 |
1136 S Washington |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-180-082 |
1146 S Washington Ave |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-21-180-120 |
W South St |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-01-21-203-003 |
112 E Main - Deluxe Inn |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
33-01-01-21-203-020 |
136 E Main |
2010 |
Adjacent |
33-01-05-03-402-001 |
1300 Keystone Ave |
2010 |
Land Bank Owned |
2010 |
Appendix B: Maps of Properties
Appendix C:
Projected Tax Increment Revenue Schedule