The Ingham County Board of Commissioners is looking for volunteers for 11-12 positions on the Materials Management Planning Committee (MMPC).
The Ingham County Board of Commissioners is required by State Law to establish and appoint a Materials Management Planning Committee (MMPC) in order to prepare a Materials Management Plan (MMP) for Ingham County. MMPC members will assist Ingham County’s Designated Planning Agency (DPA) in designing a plan that both adheres to applicable State law and best suits the needs and goals of the County.
The MMPC will be a permanent body that is appointed to direct the preparation of the County’s MMP. The committee will play a crucial role in the development of the County’s MMP, including approving the work program for development, advising the County and local municipalities regarding the MMP, ensuring compliance with state law in development, and reviewing, modifying, and approving the MMP prior to County and State approval.
The MMPC will meet at least quarterly but may meet more frequently until the Draft plan is approved. Initial members will be appointed for 5-year terms to this committee.
Members must be residents of Ingham County, as required by County policy.
The Ingham County Board of Commissioners is looking to fill 11 positions for the Materials Management Planning Committee representing the following:
• A solid waste disposal facility operator
• A representative of a hauler of managed material
• A materials recovery facility operator
• A composting facility or anaerobic digestor operator
• A waste diversion, reuse, or reduction facility operator
• A representative of an environmental interest group that has members residing in the planning area
• An elected official of the county
• An elected official of a township
• An elected official of a city or village
• A representative of a business that generates a managed material
• A representative of the regional planning agency whose territory includes the planning area
Applications will be considered by the Human Services Committee of the Ingham County Board of Commissioners. The Human Services Committee will consider the applicants for appointment to the Materials Management Planning Committee based on the member requirements defined by State law and by County policy, as well as consideration of the criteria used in selecting applicants for advisory boards used by the County.
Individuals who are interested in applying for an MMPC member position can find the application for appointment online by
clicking here. Alternatively, applications are available in the Ingham County Board of Commissioners Office, located at 341 S Jefferson St, Mason, MI 48854.
Those applications received by May 10th, 2024 will be submitted to the Board of Commissioners for its consideration at upcoming meetings. The appointment will become effective immediately once approved by the Board of Commissioners. The Committee is anticipated to begin work in the summer of 2024.
For assistance completing an application for Ingham County’s MMPC, please contact Becky Bennett, Director of the Board of Commissioners’ Office, at (517) 676-200 or
[email protected]. For additional information on Materials Management Planning in Ingham County, please contact Morgan Feldpausch, Environmental Sustainability Manager, at (517) 676-7206 or
[email protected].