News & Announcements

Ingham County Suspends Services

To protect the overall public health of our citizens, families, and employees Ingham County is following the recommendations of the State of Michigan and the Ingham County Health Department in preventing the spread of the COVID-19/coronavirus by suspending County operations.

Beginning Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. most County departments and services including the parks will be suspended through April 5, 2020.  While limited staff will continue to perform essential functions, a number of County facilities will be closed to the public.

“During these unprecedented times, we are committed to protecting the health of the residents of Ingham County and our employees” said Bryan Crenshaw, Chairperson, Ingham County Board of Commissioners, “these measures will help ‘flatten the curve’ to assist in avoiding widespread of the COVID-19/coronavirus in our community.”

Essential departments will remain open such as the Sheriff’s Office and the Community Health Centers. While some Health Department staff will be working on the critical health crisis, the Health Department will be closed to the public. Ingham County Circuit Court and Probate Court will remain open, however, the 55th District Court will be closed to the public.

As the situation changes daily, please check the County’s website ( for updates for each individual service area of the County Some services will remain available on-line, via email or US mail, or by appointment in emergency situations.
Ingham County Suspends Services