Resolutions by Subject

Brittany Green to Youth Commission                                                                                     05-01
Michigan DNR:  Amendment #2 to Develop Hawk Island County Park                                    05-02
Transfer Used Ski Equipment to Meridian Township and Beekman Center                                05-03
Authorize Adjustment to Parks Department Seasonal Employee Wage Schedule                       05-04
ABC Beverage Management:  Vending Services for County Park System.                                05-05
In Support of Local Safety Project (Burcham Drive/Park Lake Road)                                       05-06
Approve FOP/Corrections CBA.                                                                                             05-07
Recognize “Black History Month”in Ingham County                                                                  05-08
Honoring Joe Guenther                                                                                                            05-09
Honoring John Hanieksi, Ph.D                                                                                                 05-10
Proclaim February 7, 2005 as Marion “Babe” Ruth Day                                                           05-11
Honoring Joesph Lessard, Extension Director                                                                           05-12
Amend Plan of Organization                                                                                                     05-13
Authorize Purchase of Patient Management System                                                                  05-14
MI Dept. of Agriculture:  Amend Clean Sweep Pesticide Collection Program                            05-15
Ingham Health Plan Corp.:  Amend Medical Services Agreement for Outreach Services           05-16
16 month extension of Network Facilitator and Community Development Agent Position          05-17
Subcontract:  Dispute Resolution Center, Central MI: Youth Violence Prevention Coalition      05-18
Authorize Memorial at Veterans Memorial Courthouse                                                            05-19
Maximus:  Secure Federal Entitlement Benefits  Based on Correctional Facility Operations       05-20
Authorized to Retain Property as Result of Seizure and Forfeiture                                            05-21
Authorized to Administer Drive Michigan Safely Task Force Grant                                          05-22
Honoring Alexander Schultink                                                                                                 05-23
John Nevin to Lead Task Force                                                                                            05-24
Jean Golden and Ron Clark to Mid-South Substance Abuse Commission                           05-25
Honoring Larry Slider                                                                                                              05-26
Melinda George Jeffrey, Christina Jordan-Foreman and Carroll Wamhoff,
   Gary Haynes and Steven Lott, Dallas Henney and Paul Kindel to 
   Agricultural Preservation Board
Setting Public Hearing for the Webberville Annexation Proposal                                               05-28
Support Request for Technical Assistance from Genesee Institute.                                            05-29
Authorize Construction of Irrigation Well at Hawk Island County Park                                     05-30
Reorganize Staffing of the Human Resources Department                                                         05-31
Amending Lease with CACS for Additional Space at County Annex.                                      05-32
Amend Adoption Fees and Adjust 2005 Budget                                                                     05-33
Authorize Temporary Staffing & Budget Adjustments                                                              05-34
ProTemps Inc for Staff Consultant Services for Community Corrections Advisory Board         05-35
Public Safety and Other Agencies that Responded to I-96 Car Crash.                                     05-36
Approving the Appointment of Neil Kentner as the Manager of the Ingham County Fair          05-37
Scott Clark to Economic Development Corporation Board of Directors                                  05-38
Honoring June Pallottini.                                                                                                         05-39
Authorized Application for Grant to Purchase Optical Scan Voting System (HAVA) .             05-40
Set Policy for Certain Delinquent Tax Payments                                                                     05-41
2004 Community Development Authority in the Amount of $243,900                                     05-42
Contract for the Purchase of Digital Aerial Maps in Coordination with Other Jurisdictions.       05-43
Amend Purchasing Policies to Include Provision for Local Purchasing Preference                    05-44
Subcontract:  Tom Foley Associates, Youth Prevention Coalition.                                           05-45
Dr Gene Westervelt to Friend of the Court Citizens Advisory Committee                                05-46
Authorized Change in Circuit Court Position #CIRCRTC02 Effective March 15, 2005           05-47
Authorized to Accept Equipment for Heavy Rescue                                                               05-48
Accept the 2005 Regional Pursuit Driving Grant                                                                     05-49
Accept the 2005 160 Hour Correctional Academy Grant                                                       05-50
2004 State Homeland Security Grant/Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program.         05-51
Authorized Subcontract with Home of New Vision for Women’s Probation Residential Services                                                                                                                                 05-52
Michigan Office of Drug Control Policy and Subcontracts with Agency Partners                      05-53
Honoring Captain John Causie.                                                                                               05-54
Congratulating INDIEHORROR.COM on the Premiere of their New Movie.                         05-55
Honoring Jeffrey Edwards                                                                                                      05-56
Honoring Frederick Bareis                                                                                                      05-57
Cassandra Green, Kirk Martin and Darrell Place to the EDC Board of Directors               05-58
Recognizing “Women’s History Month” in Ingham County                                                    05-59
Declare March 31, 2005 as “Cesar Chavez Day” in Ingham County                                     05-60
Accept Optical Scan Voting System and Related Election Management Software                    05-61
Accept 2004 CDBG from Michigan State Housing Development Authority                         05-62
Transfer Funds from ADA Playground Construction to Boardwalk Construction Line Item   05-63
Establish Budget Calendar for 2006                                                                                       05-64
Approve Tax Sharing Agreement with the City of Mason                                                      05-65
Accept $1,000 Donation from the Wal-Mart Foundation.                                                       05-66
Brian Smith to the Animal Control Advisory Shelter                                                           05-67
Proclaim April 12, 2005 as “National Library Workers’ Day”                                                05-68
Honoring Brenda Newman                                                                                                    05-69
Shannon Hunt, Heather Ricketts, Judith Brown Clarke to Women’s Commission                 05-70
Revising the Representation of Interests to the Board                                              .              05-71
Supporting Continued Funding of CDBG Program                                                                 05-72
Approve MNA NP/CN CBA                                                                                               05-73
Contract with BFI for Dumpster Service                                                                                05-74
Michael DeWolfe to CMH Authority                                                                                     05-75
Between CMH and Lansing School District Through Helping Kids Achieve Program          05-76
CMH: Approve Amendment to Lease Terms                                                                         05-77
Authorize Lease Agreement for 5656 S. Cedar, Lansing.                                                       05-78
Implement Changes in the Dental Clinics                                                                                05-79
Authorize Amendment #4 to American Legacy Foundation Grant                                           05-80
MDPH: Amendment #2 to the 2004-2005 CPBC Agreement                                                05-81
Congratulate 55th District Court on its First Sobriety Court Graduation                               05-82
Congratulate Holt Rams Basketball Team                                                                              05-83
Honoring 2005 MSU Women’s Basketball Team.                                                                 05-84
Congratulating MSU Men’s Basketball Team                                                                        05-85
Declare Week of April 10-16 “ National County Government Week”                                 05-86
In Honor of the 2005 State Arbor Day Celebration                                                               05-87
Designate Week of May 1-7 as “Holocaust Remembrance Week”                                        05-88
Adopt Revised By-laws                                                                                                        05-89
Approve Changes to Board Rules                                                                                         05-90
Dyer Well Drilling:  Irrigation Well at Hawk Island County Park                                             05-91
Amend Automation Fund Budget and Authorize Purchase of Capital Equipment.                    05-92
Establish Parks and Recreation Commission (Rescinds 97-44, 97-103, 97-106, 97-152)     05-93
Revise Policy on Tax Sharing Agreements (Rescinds 95-174)                                              05-94
Authorize 2005 Administrative Fund.                                                                                    05-95
2005 Borrowing Resolution (2004 Delinquent Taxes)                                                           05-96
Authorize Adjustments to 2005 Budget                                                                                05-97
Honoring Pamela Stants                                                                                                       05-98
Commitment to Community Based Long Term Care Services and Support                           05-99
Amend CPBC Agreement with MDCH/Accept Physical Activity and Healthy Eating Grant 05-100
Authorize Transfer of Funds and Contract for Accounting                                                   05-101
Resolution Honoring Dave Buck                                                                                        05-102    
Authorize Reorganization in Medical Clinic                                                                         05-103
Authorize Contract Change Order #5 for Wireless Voice Communication System              05-104
Authorize Contract Amendments with Lansing and East Lansing 911 Center                       05-105
Honoring Samuel Gatesy                                                                                                   05-106
Brian Yu to the Youth Commission                                                                                  05-107
Conditionally Approve Lansing/East Lansing Smart Zone                                             .     05-108
Authorize Emergency Purchase of Hot Water Boiler                                                          05-109
4D Pharmacy Management Systems:  Administer Pharmacy Benefits                                  05-110
Adopt 2005 County Equalization Report                                                                           05-111
Designate Representatives to State Tax  Commission Hearings                                           05-112
Create Three Temp PT Summer Staff at Baker Donora Focus Center                           05-113
Authorize Budget/Staffing Adjustments for Office for Young Children                                05-114
Reorganize Work in Bureau of Environmental Health                                                         05-115
Amend Resolution #05-016 and Expand Outreach Funding                                               05-116
Create ¾ Time Health Plan Assistant Position                                                                   05-117
Authorize Controller to Advertise for and Seek Proposals for Needs Study for  Center
  Juvenile Treatment                                                                                                         05-118
Authorize Appropriation for Site Preparation Work for Radio Communication System      05-119
Adopt Interlocal Agreement for Tri-County Metro Narcotics Squad                                 05-120
Authorize Participation in MI Emergency Management Assistance Compact                     05-121
Honoring Joel Ferguson                                                                                                   05-122
Rescind/Cancel Resolution #02-101, Purchase of Generic Service Credit for David B. Roe   05-123
Establish Areas of Priority Emphasis for 2006 Activities and Budget Process                   05-124
Subcontract to Partner in the Kellogg Foundation Grant                                                  05-125
Authorize Two “Equip” Special Project Grants with Michigan 4C Association                 05-126
Amendment 3: 2004-2005 CPBC Agreement with MDCH                                            05-127
Establish Pediatric Health Center at 901 E. Mt. Hope                                                     05-128
Authorize 2005 Agreement for ALFA Adult Day Services                                              05-129
Accept Donations and/or Grants of  Not More than $5,000 for Extension                       05-130
Authorize Purchase of ACS eJuror Module                                                                    05-131
Authorize Budget Transfers and Temporary Position                                                       05-132
Authorize Acceptance of Donation from Estate of Aleen Marie LaPrise                           05-133
Lynne Davis to Animal Control Shelter Advisory Board.                                           05-134
Honoring Judge Pamela J. McCabe                                                                                05-135
Honoring Kenneth H. Cook                                                                                           05-136
Recognize Historical Commission and Centennial Subcommittee                                     05-137
Adopt Bylaws for Agricultural Preservation Board                                                          05-138
MDNR: Develop Spray Water Park at Hawk Island                                                      05-139
Urge CRAA to Act Favorably on Clinton County Proposal Re: Ex-officio Membership   05-140
Authorize Amendment to 2005 CIP Budget.                                                                   05-141
Tyler Technologies: Amend Contract for ROD Document Recording System Enhancements   05-142
Authorize Service Contracts for Purpose of Conducting Title Searches                             05-143
Authorize Temporary Foreclosure Prevention Assistant                                                     05-144
Update Various Fees for County Services                                                                        05-145
Authorize Agreement with Care Free Medical, Inc                                                           05-146
Authorize Agreement to Carry Out Mobile Home Park Inspection Program                      05-147
Authorize Collaborative Agreement with Capital Area United Way                                  05-148
Support Establishment of Volunteer Motorcycle Unit                                                       05-149
Implement Patrol Vehicle Electronic Citation System                                                        05-150
Authorize 5-year Contracts for T-1 Communication Lines                                                05-151
Amend Resolution 05-133                                                                                              05-152
Adam Miller to the Youth Commission                                                                            05-153 
City of Lansing : Maintenance/Operation of Pathway through Grant  
Park                                                                                                                  05-154
Authorize Appropriation to Military Order of the Purple Heart                                         05-155
George Bachman to Veterans Affairs Committee                                                        05-156
Human Ecology Management: Subcontract on Behalf of YVPC                                       05-157
Michigan Primary Care Association: Adolescent Health – Child and 
Adolescent Health Ctr.                                                                                                  05-158
McLaren Health Management:  Extend Claims Processing Agreement                             05-159
MI Department of Human Services:  Amend Teen Parent Program                                  05-160 
MI Dept. of Human Services: Amend Contract for Out-stationed Worker                      05-161
Livingston Health Plan:  Provider Agreement                                                                  05-162
Jessica Sequin to the Youth Commission                                                                      05-163
Approving the Annual Implementation Plan                                                                     05-164
Authorize Amendment to the Early On Program                                                             05-165
Adjust the Fee Schedule                                                                                                05-166
Honoring Dr. Kenneth O. Slater                                                                                    05-167
Authorize Appropriation for Visiting Judges Services                                                     05-168
Accept Additional Money for Traffic Safety from MOHSP                                            05-169
Authorize Contract with OSI International for UHF Pagers                                            05-170
Amend Contract with Able Concrete                                                                             05-171
Authorize Contract for 911 Center Consolidation Consultant Services                            05-172
Supporting Wireless Internet through Counties                                                               05-173
Honoring Reverend Walter Reid                                                                                    05-174
Approving a Collective Bargaining Agreement between ICEA Park’s Unit                   05-175
Certifying Representatives for the MERS Annual Meeting                                              05-176
Tower Gardens & Branches Drain Drainage District 2005 Drainage District Bonds.       05-177
Tower Snell Drain Drainage District 2005 Drainage District Bonds.                                05-178
Special Assessment Roll for Lake Lansing Lake Level Special Assessment District                                                                                                                          05-179
Amend Contract with HTC Global Services for Indexing Services                                  05-180
Authorize Intergovernmental Agreement with the State Land Bank Fast 
Track Authority                                                                                                             05-181

Sheridan Land
Consulting to Provide Technical Assistance to Agricultural 
Preservation Board                                                                                                        05-182
Spartan Asphalt Paving Co. to Construct New Parking and Roadway 
at Animal Control                                                                                                           05-183
Exempt County Property Tax Revenues from Capture in East Lansing  
Downtown DAD                                                                                                            05-184

Authorize Purchase of Emergency Event Notification Software and Services                                                                                                                          05-185
Adjust the Staffing in Women’s Health  Services                                                              05-186
Authorize Public Health Nursing Letter of Understanding Ingham Intermediate  
School District                                                                                                                05-187
Authorize a Year Two Medical Reserve Corps Grant and Subcontract                            05-188
Authorize Administrative Support Services Agreements with County Health Plans        05-189 Duane G. Mayhew MD as Deputy Medical Examiner                                                 05-190
Authorize a Contingency Appropriation to 2004-05 Child Care Fund Budget                   05-191  MSU Extension/Youth Violence Prevention Coalition & MDHS for Summer/Before and
After Schooling Programming Grant                                                                                05-192
City of Lansing Youth Violence Prevention Coalition/MSU Extension and MDHS
for Juvenile Justice Title V Prevention Grant                                                                     05-193
Authorize Amendment to Circuit Court/Family Court Juvenile Division 
2004-05 Budget                                                                                                             05-194
Authorize Office Furniture and Equipment for New 55th District Court Judge                   05-195
Amy Bailey to the Friend of the Court Citizens Advisory Committee                         05-196
Authorize Approval of New Court Appointed Attorney Payment Contracts 
and Fee Schedules                                                                                                          05-197
Authorize One Year Inter-Local Agreement w/City of Lansing to Share Proceeds from 2005
Byrne Justice Assistance Grant Program Award.                                                             05-198
Purchase Speed Trailer and Accept $4,000 Reimbursement Grant from Office of Highway
Safety Planning                                                                                                               05-199
Michigan Department of Corrections for the City of Lansing Community Corrections 
for Fiscal year 2005-06                                                                                        .         05-200
File a Notice of Intent to Function as a PSAP within Clinton County 911 
Service District.                                                                                                          05-201
Health Management Associates for a Review of Jail Medical Expenses                            05-202
Honoring George Haley                                                                                                  05-203
Honoring The Lansing Area Aids Network on the Event of Their 20thAnniversary        05-204
Authorize Release of  Info from County Attorney regarding Removal
  of Road Commissioner                                                                                                  05-205
Honoring Bernard Simons                                                                                               05-206
Designating September 26, 2005 Family Day – A Day to Eat Dinner with Your Children  05-207
Reappointments to the Ingham County/City of Lansing Joint Building Authority            05-208
Kimberly Brosky to the Women’s Commission                                                             05-209
Department of Housing and Urban Development for Modernization for
    Carriage Lane
Apts                                                                                                   05-210
Amending the 2005 Budget                                                                                             05-211
Approve Refunding Agreement                                                                                        05-212
MDCH: Amendment #4 to the 2004-2005 CPBC Agreement                                         05-213
MDCH:  2005-2006 CPBC Agreement                                                                          05-214
Purchase and Install Storage Building on Grounds of Human Services Building .                                                                                                                                                         05-215
MDHS:  Administrative Support for Development of Strong Families/Safe 
   Children Program                                                                                                          05-216
Amend and Authorize Staffing Changes in the Bureau of Health Plan Management             05-217     
Temporary Seasonal Position to Assist in Meeting Case Management Demands                05-218
US Justice Department for Domestic Assault Response Team Program                             05-219
Extend Police Services Agreement with the Village of Webberville                                 05-220
Accept the 2006 Regional Pursuit Driving Grant.                                                              05-221
Sheriff’s Office to Pay LPD 20% of Final Settlement of Drug Forfeiture and 
  Establish Policy                                                                                                             05-222
Implementation of the National Incident Management System (NIMS)                             05-223
Accept 2005 State Homeland Security Grant/Law Enforcement Terrorism 
   Prevention Program                                                                                                     05-224
Authorize Adjustments to 2005 Budget and Position Allocation List                                 05-225
Able Concrete:  Amend Contract for Public Safety Radio Communication
 System Project                                                                                                              05-226
Approve a Revised Deficit Elimination Plan for the Drain GIS Study Fund                        05-227
Congratulate Chronicle Newspaper, Inc. on Event of their 20th Anniversary                     05-228
Honoring Damian Massa , Jr.                                                                                            05-229
Honoring Zachery Hiner                                                                                                   05-230 
Honoring Brian Doyle                                                                                                       05-231
Recognize Michigan Indian Week in Ingham County                                                           05-232 
Approve By-Laws of the Ingham County Brownfield Redevelopment Authority             05-233
Approve Amending Board Rules regarding Release of Attorney-Client Privilege                  05-234
Architectural/Engineering Services for a Splash Playground at Hawk Island County Park   05-235
Convey Easement to Meridian Township to Construct a Pedestrian Pathway at
  Lake Lansing Park
J & L Roofing Company for Replacement Roof at Ingham County Correctional Facility    05-237
Create Two (2) Entry Level Assistant Project Coordinators/Commercial Inspectors              05-238
MSU Extension to Offer Financial Management Education for Homeowners Subject to    Foreclosure                                                                                                                          05-239
Exempt County Property Tax Revenues from Capture in Meridian Township  
    Downtown DAD                                                                                                            05-240
Amend Enhanced Access Policy to Establish Fees for Obtaining Paper Maps/Digital 
  Parcel  Files                                                                                                                       05-241
Amend Resolution 05-166 and Amend Health Department’s Fee Schedule                           05-242
Ionia County Health Department for Medical Direction and Program Consultation                05-243
Capital Area Community Services to Expand Jump Start Program To Serve Early Head Start 05-244
Lansing-Mason Ambulance for Medical Examiner Transports                                            05-245
Amendment to the Jumpstart Agreement with the Department of Human Services              05-246
Authorize a Dental Sealant Program                                                                                 05-247
Authorize Purchase of Dental Equipment                                                                          05-248
Authorize a 2005-2006 Agreement with the City of Lansing                                            05-249
Amend the Medical Direction Contract with Barry-Eaton District Health Department        05-250
Michigan Primary Care Assoc: Adolescent Health – Child and  
Health Center
Dennis Jurczak, M.D. and Bonta Hiscoe, M.D. as Deputy Medical Directors               05-252
MDHS:  Place Out-Stationed Worker in the Health Department Registration and                Enrollment Unit                                                                                                                05-253  
Change in Funding of Extension Network Facilitator and Community Development  
Agent  Position                                                                                                                05-254
Authorize Operational Agreement for the Capital Area Sexual Response Team                   05-255
Sheriff’s Office to Accept the FY2005 LLEBG/BYRNE Annual Project Grant                   05-256
Revised 2004 State Homeland Security Grant/Law Enforcement 
Terrorism Prevention Program                                                                                       05-257
Support Efforts of Jail Utilization Coordinating Committee                                                   05-258
Proclaim September 15-October 15, 2005 Hispanic Heritage Month                                  05-259 
Support Establishing of the Heart of Michigan Trails and Greenways Partnership                  05-260
Congratulate HOM-TV on Event of 25th Anniversary                                                          05-261 
Approve First Supplement to Lease Contract to Permit Refunding of City and County Joint 
Building Authority Bonds                                                                                                    05-262
Approve the 2005 Apportionment Report                                                                          05-263
Authorize Adjustments to the 2005 Ingham County Budget                                              05-264
Donna Hufnagel to the Department of Human Services Board                                        05-265
Donia Walker to the Community Health Center Board                                               05-266
2005 Agreement for Gateway Community Services Medical Clinic Patient Transition Prog  .05-267
Authorize Preventive Medicine Residency Program with University of Michigan .              05-268
MDHS:  Authorize Teen Parent Program Grant                                                                   05-269
Chinn Planning, Inc. for Juvenile Justice System Assessment and Action Plan.                       05-270
2005 State Homeland Security Grant/Law Enforcement Terrorism Prevention Program        05-271
Designate October 15, 2005 as “National Latino Aids Awareness Day”                               05-272 
Daniel Feinberg to the Environmental Affairs Commission                                              05-273
Congratulating Emanuel First Evangelical Lutheran Church on 
    Event of 150th Anniversary                                                                                            05-274
Honoring UAW Local 6000 on Event of 20th Anniversary                                                    05-275
Opposing House Bill 5124                                                                                                  05-276
Authorize Additional Funding for the Temporary Foreclosure Prevention Assistant.               05-277
Increase the Ingham County Youth Commission Coordinator Wage                                      05-278
Supporting Acceptance of CEDS Update to the Annual Review Report for 2005                  05-279
2006 General Appropriations Resolution                                                                               05-280
Honoring Lloyd Fett                                                                                                             05-281
Authorize a Master Agreement with Lansing Community College                                        05-282
Authorize 2005-2006 Federal Abstinence Grant Program.                                                    05-283
Adjust the Status of a Position.                                                                                             05-284
Authorize a Refugee Assistance Program Contract with MDHS                                            05-285
Authorize a Year Three Medical Reserve Corps Grant and Subcontract                                05-286
Amend the FY 2004-2005 4C Agreement with the MDHS to Extend Agreement                  05-287
US Department of Justice Byrne Memorial Grant for 55th District Court/Drug Court             05-288
State of MI, Supreme Court, State Court Administrator for 55th District Court Drug Court 05-289
Authorize Funding for Work Station                                                                                       05-290
Request Support of MI Association of Counties 2005/2006 Judiciary & 
Public Safety Platform                                                                                                05-291
Congratulating Janeil Valentine on Receiving the 2005 Marvin Klang Award                       05-292
Amy Alicia and Melanie Sauced to Youth Commission                                                      05-293
Amend the Ingham County Deferred Compensation Plan                                                     05-294
Amend Resolution #05-093 Establishing Parks and Recreation Commission.                        05-295
Authorize Adjustments to Commissioners’ Compensation                                                     05-296
Towar Snell Drain Drainage District 2005 Drainage District Bonds                                       05-297
and Branches Drain Drainage District 2005 Drainage District Bonds          05-298
Authorize Purchase of a Technical Trailer Camera Inspection System                                    05-299
Accept Donation of a Barn for Fairgrounds from the Anderson Company                             05-300 
Authorize Construction of New Announcer’s Stand for South Arena by MSU Extension       05-301
Support the Campaign to End AIDS (C2EA)                                                                       05-302
Authorize 2005-2006 Agreements with the Ingham Health Plan Corporation                        05-303
Authorize Administrative Support Services Agreements with County Health Plans              05-304
Authorize Amendment with MSU to Delegate Certain Environmental Health Responsibilities  05-305
Authorize Amendment to Child Care Provider Training with Michigan 4C Association         05-306
Authorize Agreement with National Assoc of Child Care Resources and Referral Agencies    05-307
Authorize 2005-2006 Agreement with MDEQ                                                                      05-308
Authorize Grant Contract with the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Inc.             05-309
Designating Month of November 2005 as “Animal Cruelty Awareness Month”                      05-310
Local/Long Distance Service for Inmate and Public Pay Telephones w/ Infinity Networks Inc. 05-311
Authorize Closing a Post at Jail and Related Budget Adjustments                                           05-312
Approve Selection Criteria for Ranking Landowner Applications to Farmland Preservation05-313
Authorize Execution of an Easement to Meridian Township for a Water Main                    05-314
Amend the 2005 Apportionment Report                                                                               05-315
Congratulating Bruce Bragg on Receiving the Roy R. Manty Award                                     05-316 
Authorize 2005 Agreement for Volunteers of America New Hope
Day Shelter Program        05-317
Authorize 2005 Agreement for Capital Area Community Services Utility Assistant Program    05-318
Authorize a Lease Agreement for a Pediatric Dental Clinic at 2815 S. Pennsylvania                 05-319
Implement Changes Resulting from Patient Visit Redesign Project in Several Health Centers   05-320
Recognize Thomas M. Cooley Law School for Support/Contributions to Lansing Teen Ctr   05-321
Request Contingency Funds to Assist in Meeting 55th District Court’s Probation Demands during Case Management Maternity Leave                                                                                      05-322
Authorize Protemps Contract Extension for Integration Phase of the IJIS                                05-323
City of Lansing ’s COPS Interoperable Voice and Data Grant                                             05-324
Authorize 2006 Agreements for Community Agencies                                                             05-325
Appoint a Special Committee to Select a County Controller .                                             05-326
onoring Paul Nilsson.                                                                                                         05-327
Honoring Gerald W. Ambrose                                                                                              05-328
Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.                                                                                    05-329
Roberta Hamlin, Debbie Miller and Joanne Kinne to Fair Board.                                          05-330
Sandra Diorka to Environmental Affairs Commission.                                                       05-331
Reclassifying Several Management Positions in the Sheriff’s Office                                          05-332
Charles Blockett & Associates to Provide Executive Job Search for County Controller          05-333
Authorize Line Item Transfer for Temporary Personnel Costs.                                                05-334
Support Regional Collaboration Efforts.                                                                                 05-335
Amend Resolution #05-145 Updating Various Fees for County Services.                               05-336
Approve Changes in the Managerial/Confidential Personnel Manual and Approving Increases  For Non Judicial County-Wide Elected Officials                                                                          05-337
Approve the FOP/Animal Control Collective Bargaining Agreement.                                     05-338
Adjust Compensation for Various Appointed Boards and Commissions                                 05-339
Authorize Transfer of Funds for Construction of Potter Park to River Trail South.               05-340
Authorize Renewal of Retention Program with City of Lansing for Business Retention Srv      05-341
Authorize Additional Lead Senior Accountant Position                                                            05-342
Authorize  Controller to Make Year End Adjustments                                                            05-343
Authorize a 2006 4C Agreement with the MI 4C Association                                                 05-344
Public Health Informationlinks Grant Award from Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.           05-345
Authorize a 2006 Moving our Community Toward Health Grant.                                          05-346
Authorize a Pediatric Physician Agreement with College of Osteopathic Medicine at MSU    05-347
Authorize a Pediatric Physician Agreement with College of Human Medicine at MSU         05-348
Authorize a Physician Services Agreement with MSU College of Osteopathic Medicine      05-349
Authorize Staffing Changes in Adult Health, Sparrow and St. Lawrence Community 
Health  Centers                                                                                                          05-350
Authorize 2005 Agreement for the Capital Area Human Services Connection/211 Project      05-351
Authorize Supplemental Appropriation to 2005 Agreement for Volunteers of America  
  MI New Hope Day Center Program                                                                              05-352
Authorize Amendments to the FOC 2006 Budget                                                                  05-353
Authorize Contract with Lansing and East Lansing 911 Center 2005/06 Operations and 
  Amending the 911 Emergency Telephone Dispatch Services Fund Allocation Policy            05-354
Authorize Contract with MDOC for Ingham County/City of Lansing Community Corrections
For Fiscal Year 2005-2006                                                                                               05-355 
Authorize Subcontracts for FY 2005-2006 Community Corrections Programs.                     05-356
Authorize Appointment of General Public Representative to Ingham County/City of Lansing Community Corrections Advisory Board                                                                              05-357
Opposition to Specific Sections of the US House of Representatives Bill 4241                   05-358
2004 & 2005 State Homeland Security Grant/Law Enforcement Terrorism  
     Prevention Program                                                                                                         05-359  

Ingham County Seal

Ingham County Courthouse, 341 S. Jefferson St., Mason, MI 48854
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